Business Finance – Operations Management OPMT 620: Operations Management – Case Study McDonalds Assignment
Case Study McDonalds Assignment
Please follow the instructions provided in the attached PDF document.
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1) Introduce the company of your choice.
2) What similariJes does this company have with McDonald’s, what is unique or sets them
apart from McDonald’s?
3) What is the unique selling proposiJon or compeJJve advantage of your selected
company? How is it presented and maintained?
4) Field invesJgaJon: Visit at least one restaurant of McDonald’s and one of your selected
company. InvesJgate their operaJons and report your observaJons in regards of:
a. Layout of the restaurant and how it serves the purpose of the operaJonal goals; b. Customer wait Jmes, number/type of staff, variaJons throughout the day;
c. Service performance and observed customer saJsfacJon;
d. Stocked items & cleanliness;
e. ProducJvity, JIT, and how it is achieved;
f. Quality tools, such as Lean or TQM; how are they uJlized?
g. Summarize the overall operaJonal processes observed.
5) Analyze if and to what extend the value proposiJon and compeJJve prioriJes were met in reality. Assess the operaJons strategy of McDonald’s and the company of your choice in the compeJJve environment. What challenges do they face, what opportuniJes do you see for their future development of operaJon strategies?
Structure your report according to the the reader can easily follow your logic with about 2,500-3,000 words of text, you apply the APA formaUng.
1. Attached is the McDonalds Case Study. pdf
2. Screenshots of rubrics for score acceptance
3. PPT study material for reference (Be thorough and relatable to work in class)