educational, intelligence, career, and personality psychological assessments

  • Evaluate educational, intelligence, career, and personality psychological assessments by answering the following questions:
  • How do you define intelligence? Can it be measured? Explain your answer. If you believe intelligence cannot be measured, what would you say about the tests that are published to accomplish this purpose?
  • What are the similarities and differences between achievement and intelligence? How are the two assessed? Which assessment method do you prefer? Why?
  • In most cases, intelligence and achievement tests are used to diagnose learning disabilities and determine the need for accommodation in an academic or employment setting. If psychological tests were not used, how might one determine if someone requires accommodation? How would we answer this referral question without psychological tests?

Analysis Of The Deflategate Scandal- New England Patriots

In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each) describe:

1 — How you think the organization was effective or not, and why.

2 — How did the organization’s past reputation influence the public’s perception of the situation, and how it was punished by the league.

3 — How did the personalities of the team’s star, coach and owner impact news and social media coverage of the crisis.

References to crisis communication research/theories from the textbooks are also suggested.

Human Resource Management Writing Assignment

Evaluate legal and regulatory issues and risk management in the human services profession.

In the human services field, it is important to recognize situations that carry risks for both the client and the professional. Once identified, risk management techniques can be utilized to protect the client and the professional.

In this assignment, you will apply and evaluate the risk management techniques you have learned in a real-life scenario while evaluating legal and regulatory issues.

Assignment Scenario

Mr. Ashford is a caseworker at the county Human Services Department. One of his clients, Mr. Lainez, is a young man who presents with many issues. He has been in foster care and is about to age out of the program to live on his own. Mr. Ashford will be assisting him with this transition.

To connect with his young client, Mr. Ashford accepts Mr. Lainez’s invitation of friendship on social media. In addition, he provides his agency email address to Mr. Lainez when he asks if there is not another way to make an appointment rather than making a telephone call and going through a receptionist.

Shortly after that, Mr. Lainez experiences several disappointing events. He loses his job, and the young woman he is dating tells him she is no longer interested in seeing him. Additionally, he is struggling to make ends meet and becomes unable to pay the rent on his first apartment.

At his wits’ end, he makes a vague suicidal threat on Facebook and sends a desperate request to Mr. Ashford to set up an appointment as soon as possible. Out on calls, Mr. Ashford does not check his email or his Facebook account for several days, missing Mr. Lainez’s cues. His young client is found dead of an overdose of medication he has been prescribed by the department psychiatrist.

Assignment Directions

Use the readings, the internet, and the Purdue Global Library to research the implications of this case study under current law and practice expectations.

Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

  • Introduce the case study and list each of the problematic decisions Mr. Ashford made in this scenario, analyzing each in terms of its effect on the outcome.
  • Identify and explain other choices he could or should have made.
  • Evaluate the legal and regulatory implications of this case study you learned from your research.
  • Apply and evaluate the risk management techniques you have learned to this case over the past two units.
  • Would they likely have led to a different outcome for Mr. Lainez? For Mr. Ashford? Why or why not?

Module 09 Mini Case Studies – DIC Bleeding, Hemophilia, and Sickle Cell Anemia

Module 09 Mini Case Studies – DIC Bleeding, Hemophilia, and Sickle Cell Anemia



Recognize common blood disorders and apply appropriate nursing interventions within the scope of practice of the LPN.



Describe nursing care interventions for clients with hematological disorders.



Read the following Scenarios and answer the questions that follow. Make sure you cite any sources using APA format.


Scenario # 1

You are sent to the medical ICU to help out because there were several sick calls. You are instructed by the charge nurse to take vital signs on all of the clients in the 12-bed unit. You are just completing your rounds when a call bell goes off in room three. The client in room three is recovering from septic shock but has been stable for the past 48 hours. The client is awake and requesting ice chips. As you lean over to grab his pitcher, you notice blood oozing from two IV sites on his left arm. The Foley catheter has tea-colored urine, and the client’s central line in his chest has blood oozing from the site.

Question # 1: What in the data collection should be reported to the RN immediately? Why? (5-10 sentences)


Question # 2: What items in the client’s history are risk factors for DIC? (2-3 sentences)



Scenario # 2

You are working in the genetics clinic of a large medical center. Your first client of the day has a history of hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency). The client came to the clinic for evaluation of right knee pain. He denies any history of trauma and states the pain began last night, worsening ever since. His pain is a 7/10.


Question # 3: Should the nurse be concerned about the client’s knee pain? Why or why not? (5-10 sentences)


Question # 4: Why are the vast majority of clients with hemophilia male? (5-10 sentences)



Scenario # 3

You are working in a small community emergency room when you receive a client complaining of severe pain (10/10) to her arms and chest. The pain began one hour ago. The client is known to have sickle cell disease.


Question # 5: What is the priority nursing intervention for this client? Explain your answer. (3-5 sentences)




  • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)


  • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format


  • APA format and in-text citation



  •   References – must contain professional references, published within the past 5 years



Reading Response Paper 1

Reading Response Paper 1
Your Reading Response Paper must be at least 5 pages, including a one-page critique.
Please note that students are NOT allowed to use any paraphrasing software or AI (artificial
intelligence) software. Submitting work containing any content generated by these types of
software will be treated as plagiarism. Specifically, students will receive ZERO points for any
course assignments generated by this software. Please note that Turnitin detects AI writing.
Specific instructions for reading response papers:
I will take points off if your response papers do not follow these guidelines.
• Your reading response paper must be at least 5 pages.
• The reading response papers must be typed (Times New Roman font, 12-point font size,
double-spaced, 1-inch margins), and titled (please use the title of the relevant chapter in the
textbook by Daniel). Please also number the pages of your papers (page
numbers must be provided in the top right-hand corner.)
• Please provide your first and last names and the course number. Do not include a cover page.
• The reading response papers must be structured in multiple meaningful
paragraphs. The general rule is to have two paragraphs per page or three
paragraphs per two pages. Do not include extra blank lines/spaces between
• You should choose one chapter assigned from the textbook by Daniel for the relevant
response paper (see below). Each chapter in the textbook by Daniel contains 4 parts: 1)
Issue, 2) Yes arguments, 3) No arguments, and 4) Exploring the issue. Please make sure
to read all four parts of each chapter.
Your reading response papers must provide the following 3 headings: 1) Yes
Arguments; 2) No Arguments; and 3) My Critique. Your reading response papers must
follow this structure. Otherwise, I will not grade your reading response papers
In your reading response paper, you should accurately summarize the main Yes and
No arguments for your chosen chapter (15 points for the Yes arguments and 15
points for the No arguments).
▪ You should also provide your critique of the arguments presented in the chapter.
Essentially, you need to state your opinion on this issue. That is, you need to
discuss what you think about this issue on the basis of the arguments presented
in the relevant chapter. In your critique, you may address the following questions:
Do you agree or disagree with main arguments, methods, conclusions, etc.? Why? What
are the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments? What questions were left
unanswered? What arguments did not make sense to you? (15 points for the critique).
Your critique MUST be at least 1 page.
Do not provide direct citations. That is, paraphrase and reword everything: summarize
the arguments from the textbook in your own words. Students are not required to include
a reference list/bibliography
**Please note that students are NOT allowed to use any paraphrasing software or AI
(artificial intelligence) software. Submitting work containing any content generated by these
types of software will be treated as plagiarism. Specifically, students will receive ZERO points
for any course assignments generated by this software. Please note that Turnitin detects AI

Ccc3-Module 06 Case Study – COPD Exacerbation

Module 06 Case Study – COPD Exacerbation


Top of Form


To work with a team of professionals, select appropriate nursing interventions within the LPN scope of practice, and recognize serious complications.



Explain care for the client with lower respiratory disorders.



Read the case study below and answer the questions. Site any sources using APA format.


The Story

You are an LPN working in a community health clinic on a team of professionals that includes a medical assistant, RN, and nurse practitioner. The clinic is just opening for the day on a day that is particularly hot and humid. A woman runs into the clinic with an older gentleman yelling “he can’t breathe.” The client appears flushed (reddened skin), is unable to speak, and appears very short of breath. The client’s wife tells you that he has “emphysema” and refuses to put the air conditioning on in their home because he is afraid the electric bill will be too high. She also tells you that he ran out of his medications, including his inhalers and prednisone, almost 2 weeks ago. The client has a respiratory rate of 44 and an O2 Sat. of 84% on room air. His blood pressure is 168/100.


Question 1: List two nursing interventions that should be done immediately. (2-3 sentences)



Question 2: What environmental factor(s) do you think contributed to the client’s current situation? (2-3 sentences)



Question 3: What danger could the client face by abruptly stopping prednisone? (5-10 sentences)



Question 4: Explain why compliance is important in managing chronic diseases such as COPD? (5-10 sentences)



Question 5: After this client is stabilized and his breathing improves. What should be addressed with him on his next clinic visit? (5-10 sentences)












  • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)


  • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format


  • APA format and in-text citation



  •   References – must contain professional references, published within the past 5 years



Case of Chuck

In addition to meeting with clients, a human services professional needs to be able to plan out a client’s treatment and articulate that plan to others. In this regard, it’s important to understand how case planning works, regardless of your role in the process. In this assignment, you will take information from a case study and make your own case plan to be presented to your “colleagues.”


Imagine you are presenting one of your cases to your colleagues during a team meeting. Review the Case of Chuck for information about your client.


Create an 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that introduces your client to the team and presents your case plan. Using the case management strategies covered this week:

  • Identify and prioritize at least three referrals you would make for Chuck. Examine what needs the referrals address and describe how they address those needs.
  • Explain how the referrals will prevent recidivism.
  • Using client self-determination as a strategy, discuss how you would include Chuck in the referral process. Illustrate why client self-determination is important with examples or evidence

Include a title page. If you are using references, please include citations and reference page

**Speaker notes are required**

Module 10 Mini Case Studies – STIs


Module 10 Mini Case Studies – STIs



To treat clients with STIs with a nonjudgmental attitude within the scope of practice of the LPN while functioning on a team of professionals.



Identify nursing interventions for clients with disorders of the reproductive system.



Read the case studies below and answer the questions. Make sure you cite any sources using APA format.


Scenario # 1

You are working in a community health clinic on a team that has an LPN, RN, and nurse practitioner. Your first client of the day is a tearful young woman who states that she has had a painful rash to her genital area for the past couple of days. She came to the clinic today because the rash is getting progressively worse. Her vital signs are: 100.5 (PO), 114, 28, 145/88 Pain: 9 on a 1-10 scale. The client shares with you that her boyfriend has herpes. They never have sex when he is having a flare-up, so she is not sure how she could have gotten it from him.


Question # 1: What should be the first priority for this client? Explain your answer. (5-10 sentences)


Question # 2: The RN provides teaching to the client, but the client has some follow-up questions. As the LPN you reinforce the teaching about how herpes is spread. What factual information should the nurse provide about the spread of this disease between flare-ups?

(2-3 sentences)





Scenario # 2

You are working in a primary care office with a physician’s assistant (PA) and RN. A client comes in for a follow-up visit. He states that he was called to come in because of an “abnormal lab report.” You print the labs for the PA, and you see that the client had a sore on his penis that was scraped and sent to the lab. The scrapings are positive for syphilis. You also see in the notes that the client had to be called repeatedly to come to the office. At first, he was unwilling to return because he stated he “feels fine.”


Question # 3: The client is confused about why he needs to name his sexual partners. What factual information can the nurse give to explain the need for all of his sexual partners to be treated as soon as possible? (5-10 sentences)


Question # 4: The PA orders a single dose of Benzathine Penicillin G 2.4 million units IM. The client questions why he just cannot take some pills. What explanation will you provide to the client? (5-10 sentences)



Scenario # 3

You are working in a primary care office with a physician. You are instructed to collect data on a client, including vital signs and chief complaint. The client states that she is a sex worker and has had chills, fevers, and sore throats on and off for several weeks. The physician orders a rapid HIV test.


Question # 5: What in your data collection indicates that the client is at high risk for HIV? (2-3 sentences)





  • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)


  • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format


  • APA format and in-text citation



  •   References – must contain professional references, published within the past 5 years




Case Study Summary And Questions

For your assignment, create a Word document containing the questions, your responses to the questions, and a list of references. You need to cite your sources within the text (see below) throughout the document and additionally provide a complete list of references at the end of the document. Your presentation must have a minimum of five references. Use them to support the points you are making. Your references must include at least two academic journals. One of them must be from this list of eight academic MIS top journal: Management Information Systems Quarterly Journal of the Association for Information Systems Information Systems Research Journal of Information Technology Journal of Information Systems European Journal of Information Systems Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of Strategic Information Systems. Choose one of these journals to guide you on how to reference. You must mention the journal you used as your referencing guide in the beginning of the list of references in your Word document. For example: My referencing style is from the Management Information Systems Quarterly journal.

Conveyor Belt Case Study Part 1, 2, 3

This is an IT course involving Microsoft Project. There are 3 parts to this assignments and the directions are attached for each part of the assignments. I’ve also attached 3 pages of of the textbook in word document where you’ll be using to complete the assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you.