Organizational Quality Statement

  • Compare the culture of your current employer to Deming’s Quality Principles:
  • · Help people do a better job.
  • · Drive out fear.
  • · Break down barriers.
  • · Restore pride of workmanship.
  • · Make quality everyone’s job.
  • Does this employer lead by example? Encourage open dialogue? Does management seek views and ideas? Does everyone have clear expectations for their expected level of performance? Do leaders provide reward and recognition for a job well done? With that in mind, answer these questions:
  1. If there was no bonus at stake, or if everyone got the same bonus for achieving collective goals, would your work deteriorate? Why or why not?
  2. If other people on your team were to get 100 percent of the bonus but you didn’t, would you feel motivated or demotivated? Inspired to excel or depressed? Rewarded or punished? Be specific. Explain thoroughly.
  • I work as a cna in a nursing home
  • Criteria for paper.
  • 1. Paper contains a clear description of the organizational culture   
  • 2. Responses clearly address the questions.   
  • 3. Response is thoughtful and based on learning