Relational Database Model

Week3 Tutorial
Relational Database Model
1. What is entity integrity and referential integrity and why are important to a database?
2. Explain the purpose and function of each of the following relational set operators:
a. Select
b. Project
c. Union
d. Intersect
e. Difference
f. Product
3. Identify and describe the components of the table shown in figure 1, using correct
terminology. Consider knowledge of naming conventions to identify the table’s
probable foreign key(s).
Fig 1:
4. Using the database shown in figure 2, answer the following questions
Fig 2:
a. Identify the Primary Keys
b. Identify the Foreign keys
c. Create the ERM
d. Create the relational diagram to show the relationship between Director and Play.
5. Considering the Student and Professor tables shown in Figure 3 to illustrate the
differences between a natural join, an equijoin, and an outer join.
Fig 3: