1 Learners Are Required To Submit Their Work Using The Lsbf Assessment Cover Sheet A 2925378

1. Learners are required to submit their work using the LSBF Assessment cover sheet and write > 2. You are required to submit your assignment electronically to My Page 3. If you need an extension (even for one day) for a valid reason, you must request one, using a reasonable adjustment form available from the Edexcel Programme Leader. Do not ask the lecturers responsible for the course – they are not authorised to award an extension. The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick. 4. General guidelines for submission of assignment: a) All work must be word-processed and must be of “good” standard. b) Document margins shall not be more than 2.5cm or less than 1.5cm c) Font size in the range of 11 to 14 points distributed to including headings and body text. Preferred typeface to be of a common standard such as Arial or Times New Roman for the main text. d) Any computer files generated such as program code (software), graphic files that form part of the course work must be submitted either online or with the documentation. Document Preview:

Order IdEHUK4021Order TypeAssignmentWords2500Deadline2014-11-11TopicInternet MarketingSubjectBusinessReference SystemHarvard (No Page Numbers)Writer NameD & M AssociateAdditional RequirementAdmin RemarkNO PLAGIARISM , NO BASIC ERROR, ALL REQUIREMENTS MUST MET, MUST FOLLOW THE STRUCTURE • Need a high standard of work • Please follow the primary research strictly • Do make sure all the requirements have met and cross checked. • No basic mistakes will be accepted such as – grammer , spelling error, meaningless lengthy sentences,missing references , PLAGIARISM and/or SIMILARITIES

