1 Provide A De Nition Of What A Cso Is Then Provide A Contrast Of This Sector Agains 3300757

1. Provide a de?nition of what a CSO is. Then, provide a contrast of this sector against the other sectors (Public/Government) and Private/Business)? Provide examples in each area to illustrate. 2. What are some of the challenges and/or opportunities unique to CSOs? Choose three (3) characteristics and discuss. 3. Take one of the examples from point 2 and elaborate on how this impacts on both ’Governance’ (Board) and ’Approach’ (Management).

2. Resources: Essential: Hudson, M. 2009, ’Managing Without Pro?t: leadership, management and governance in third sector organisations in Australia’, UNSW Press, Sydney

3. A minimum of three and a maximum of ?ve academic sources must be used. Essential is use of the Key Unit Text (Hudson). Please see the readings list located within this L.G. and check vUWS for related readings