1 The External Diameter Of An Inward Flow Reaction Turbine Is 0 5m The Width Of The 2766029

1)The external diameter of an inward flow reaction turbine is 0.5m. The width of the wheel at inlet is 150mm and the velocity of flow at inlet is 1.5 m/s .Find the rate of flow passing through the turbine. Document Preview:

The external diameter of an inward flow reaction turbine is 0.5m. The width of the wheel at inlet is 150mm and the velocity of flow at inlet is 1.5 m/s .Find the rate of flow passing through the turbine. Solution:- D1 = 0.5m B1 = 0.15m Vf1 = 1.5m/s Q = ? Discharge through the tubine, Q = p D1 B1 Vf1= p *0.5* 0.15*1.5=0.353 Q=0.353 m3/s (Ans)

