1 This Section Is Worth 100 Points Please Put All The Required Documentation For Thi 2848094

1. This section is worth 100 points. Please put all the required documentation for this section in a pdf file named “final01.pdf”. The document must be in Portable Document Format. Students will not use screen shots for answers in this section.

1.1. Provide evidence of correctly installing and configuring a current version of Linux. Students will not install the same version of Linux used in class or live version configuration. Show the system name is micheal03

1.2. Provide a list of all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to all network interfaces on micheal03

1.3. Provide a list of all the addresses assigned only to the loopback interface on micheal03

1.4. Provide a listing of all USB devices attached to micheal03

1.5. Provide a listing of all groups and group members for micheal03

1.6. Provide the Linux distribution and distribution version for micheal03

1.7. Identify your non-administrative account for micheal03

1.8. Identify all the groups your non-administration account is a member on micheal03

1.9. Provide evidence of successfully updating micheal03 to current recommended patch levels.

2. This section is worth 100 points. Please put all the required documentation for this section in a pdf file named “final02.pdf”.The document must be in Portable Document Format. You may use the script command or the putty log feature to log your work for this section.

2.1. Using the command line only, log a demonstration of create a group called TAN.

2.2. Log the creation of a login for each name in TAN. The names are in the names1.pdf file on http://brazil.minnesota.edu.

2.3. Log checking each TAN login will expire on 12/20/2018.

2.4. Log creating a group named alpha.

2.5. Log the membership of alpha is all logins in TAN section alpha.

2.6. Log the permission settings for a script to allow only alpha, your non-administration account, and administration accounts any access.