7 Explain And Discuss What Makes Good Corporate Governance Practices And Mention The 2942360

7)Explain and discuss what makes good corporate governance practices and mention the role of each of the following governing bodies in maintaining good corporate governance practices. •External Auditors •Board of directors •Shareholders 8)List and explain the different duties of the board of directors. What are the matters that should not be delegated by the board of directors? 9)What makes an effective board room behaviour based on the Institute of Charted Secretaries and Administrators report in 2009? 10)List and explain six key issues in corporate governance. Which body is responsible for the UK code of corporate governance? 11)Explain the difference between tier one boards and tier-two boards. Which of them is more likely to be in the UK? PART B Briefly list and explain the seven principles of the Stewardship code? Why is directors’ remuneration a corporate governance issue? Can you mention some of the views for and against directors’ remuneration? What are the problems with linking rewards to performance for senior executives? How might companies be affected by a bad reputation for concerns about social and environmental issues? Explain by providing an example of each issue Why might companies decide to produce voluntary CSR? What might be the arguments against voluntary CSR reporting by companies? Document Preview:

Order NoEHUK5398Word1500Deadline2015-05-04Allocation Date2015-04-28 21:41:05Order TypeModel AnswerAcademic LevelMasterSubjectOrder DeliveryTopic Corporate Governance.Please call me we discuss about the amount of words. Additional Requirement *(There is a book called Corporate Governance by Brian Coyle or any other Source that is.) Please use simple understandable English.

