94665 Complexity Sustainability University Technology Sydney Essay Writing Assignmen 2868231

94665 : Complexity & Sustainability – University Technology Sydney – Essay Writing Assignment Help


This assignment is your chance to build on your exploration in the subject and argue for a position on sustainability with regards to your future professional contexts. This should include a reflection on the ways sustainability or SDGs currently feature in your profession or the discipline, and ideas for how you could advance sustainability-related causes as an emerging professional. You are invited to imagine the ways you might be acting in the world to affect changes that you care about – this could include ideas (eg. entrepreneurial initiatives) or avenues for action that ‘nudge’ the system in a desirable direction, including the connections you need to build to be well-positioned in this complex system.

Your assignment should include the following elements:
1.Sustainability in your future profession, discipline or industry.
Describe how sustainability or SDGs are currently featured in the professional context in which you envisage yourself working in the future:

Which context will you be working in? (If you wish you can use visuals to answer this question -map stakeholders, the context or the social system, etc)

What is the role of sustainability or SDGs in this context at the present? What are the assumptions and dominant framings of the ways that the discipline or profession currently addresses sustainability challenges?

What are some of the intended and non-intended societal/environmental consequences of the various initiatives and innovations that are being worked on in this context?

What are the barriers and enablers for strengthening sustainability focus in this context (social, cultural, political, economic, environmental, etc)?

2. Your role in this context in the future
Describe how might you go about carving out a space for yourself in this context.

What are the issues that are of interest and concern to you, and what avenues do you have to act on them as a future professional?

How could your disciplinary knowledge, capabilities and skills contribute to advancing sustainable development? How could transdisciplinary approaches be utilised?

Identify possible initiatives, interventions and safe to fail experiments that would allow you as a future professional to contribute to creating sustainable futures.