Compose A 2500 Words Essay On How To Extend And Enchance A Childs Learning Needs

Compose a 2500 words essay on How to extend and enchance a childs learning. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Basing from relevant information and sources of knowledge, this case study shall attempt to identify ways of enhancing learning on ‘Child A’. The case shall also shed light on relevant theories on learning, and how they contribute to enhancing learning on ‘Child A’. The case study shall also attempt to relate the learning theories to classroom situation of ‘Child A’, as well as conducting an assessment on brain, gender, race, and environment, and contribution in learning.

‘Child A’ is a five year old male of Somali origin. He is newly arrived to the U.K. from Norway (6 months) and has never been to school in England before. He comes from a large family of Mother, Father, two older siblings, male of 9 years and female of 7 years and then two younger female siblings of 3 years and 6 months old. Only father and two older siblings are English speaking in the family, therefore, most of their conversation in the homes is in Somali language. He started in reception in September and is already making excellent progress considering his initial lack of English.

From the above background information, it is an obvious assumption that the tutor needs to come up with methods that ‘child A’ of Somali origin will acquire concepts taught in the learning environment. The move for supporting the student must be in concurrence with active learning of the child.

As evident in the work compiled by Kay (2005), and Wigfield & Wentzel (2009), direct input in the child’s learning solely depends on the communication mechanisms applied in the school setting. It is evident that once a child attends school, they receive instruction with different languages in different settings, as well as receive instruction from a dissimilar source, as opposed to their parents or caregivers. Additionally, Arnold (2005) and Golper (2012) caution that in an event that the caregivers completely shift focus to the educators, learning may not take