Nursing Informatic 19366001

This will be a research paper at least 3 pages in length, in APA format, that includes:

  • The information from part 1.
  • An outline of your telehealth effort.
  • How will you determine if the information presented was understood?
  • What resources will you need? Consider technological resources, physical space, interpreters, etc.
  • How will you make up for the fact that you will not be face to face with the client(s)?

Assignment File(s)

  • Telehealth AssignmentPreview the document [Word Document]


NM 208 Telehealth Part 2NM 208 Telehealth Part 2CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh proficiencyClear, concise and specific thesis statement17.0 to >13.0 ptsModerately high proficiencyAdequately introduces topic/ thesis statement may be lacking specificity13.0 to >9.0 ptsModerate ProficiencyIntroduction is too short/thesis statement is vague9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-level ProficiencySome introduction components missing/Thesis statement is poor or unidentifiable4.0 to >0 ptsNon-ProficientThesis missing/Introduction does not introduce topic20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody organization20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh proficiencyOrganized and logically explains topic required for paper/Exhibits critical thinking17.0 to >13.0 ptsModerately high proficiencyWell organized and easy to follow/Explanation of topic requires more explanation13.0 to >9.0 ptsModerate ProficiencySome organizational problems/Not enough support for topic9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-level ProficiencyNo sequence/Jumps topics frequently4.0 to >0 ptsNon-ProficientNo sequence/Jumps topics frequently20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFluency/Mechanics20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh proficiencyUses excellent vocabulary well/ Stays on topic/ Correct tense and point of view/ Has sentence variety/ Correct spelling/punctuation17.0 to >13.0 ptsModerately high proficiencyAttempts higher level vocabulary with some success/ Stays on topic/ Mostly correct tense and point of view/ Sentences correct but lacking in variety/ Few spelling errors13.0 to >9.0 ptsModerate ProficiencyBoth higher and lower vocabulary/ Some tense and point of view errors/ Occasionally strays off topic/ Some sentence fragments or run-ons/ Several preventable spelling errors9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-level ProficiencyVocabulary is very basic and incorrect/ Some tense and point of view errors/Many sentence fragments/run-ons/ Many spelling errors4.0 to >0 ptsNon-ProficientImproper word choices/ Many tense and point of view errors/ Many mechanical errors of all types20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh proficiencyDeliberate closing strategy/ Does not introduce new material/ Paraphrases thesis, but does not merely repeat introduction17.0 to >13.0 ptsModerately high proficiencyAdequate closing/ Does not introduce new material/ Re-states thesis in same words, but does not completely repeat introduction13.0 to >9.0 ptsModerate ProficiencyWeak closing/ Does not introduce new material/ Merely repeats introduction9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-level ProficiencyWeak closing/ Introduces new material/ Dos not refer to thesis4.0 to >0 ptsNon-ProficientNo formal closing/ New material introduced/ Does not refer to introduction20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA 6th edition formattingPRICE-I20.0 to >17.0 ptsHigh proficiencyThe entire paper is properly formatted according to APA 6th edition. This includes title page, in text citations, reference list, Times New Roman 12 point font, and a complete reference list that includes all citations used in the body of the paper.17.0 to >13.0 ptsModerately high proficiencyPaper has 1-2 improper formatting errors or references incomplete or incorrectly formatted.13.0 to >9.0 ptsModerate ProficiencyPaper has 3-4 improper formatting errors or references incomplete or incorrectly formatted.9.0 to >4.0 ptsLow-level ProficiencyImproper format in most places/ References incomplete and incorrectly formatted.4.0 to >0 ptsNon-ProficientImproper format throughout/ No reference page.20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0PreviousNext