2 Please Answer Based On These Answers As They Are Listed Each One Must Be Answered In Apaform And Not Less Than 150 Words 19294201


4-Clinical significance refers to that ability displayed by a treatment to enable a patient return to his or healthy state of body functioning. However, it differs from statistical significance in a sense that it is more objective i.e. it determines whether the prescribed treatment was able to achieve the intended purpose (Sedgwick, 2014). Statistical significance, though a determinant that was only used sometimes back is expressed as a variable meaning that it is never exact on whether the treatment recommended is going to restore a patient’s normality. It operates on the principle of probability.

The ultimate aim of the evidence-based practice project is to bring forth positive outcome. Incorporation of clinical significance can prove to be of great help in achieving this. Carrying out a clinical interpretation in the entire research process will be fundamental in ensuring that patient’s safety, as well as efficacy need, is put into consideration when it comes to decisions made. This will significantly enhance positive outcomes of the research work.

A critical evaluation of the research project by clinicians so as to qualify internal as well as external validity will trigger positive results. The employment of all these aspects of clinical significance will see to it that Evidence-based practice project becomes not only meaningful but also helpful to those seeking medical solutions to their unhealthy conditions.


Sedgwick, P. (2014). Clinical significance versus statistical significance. BMJ, 348, g2130-g2130. Retrieved from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g2130


5-According to my memory about statistics, statistical significance is a result that is not attributed to chance. Meaning that the null hypothesis is true. Using p-value of less than 0.05 shows the rejection of the null hypothesis- a significant difference exists.

“Clinical significance is the practical importance of the treatment effect, whether it has a real, palpable, noticeable effect on daily life (Leyva De Los Rios, 2017).” It is the difference in patient care outcome.

We can use statistical significance in results for evidence-based practice. Then use the clinical significance to improve the patient care outcome. Collecting articles showing a significant difference in positive outcomes of care will be supporting evidence for the proposed project for a change of practice.

Leyva De Los Rios, C. (2017). Statistical significance vs. clinical significance. Retrieved from




6-understanding the statistics is very important in nursing. Learning how to measure outcomes in clinical practice is important. Collecting evidence-based practices is one thing, but collecting results from the outcomes is different. For example, evaluating how our practice affects pts is measured differently I think. We would have to create charts to show the improvement, right? Did your co-workers do a project like this yet?