Please Answer Based On These Answers As They Are Listed Each One Must Be Answered In Apaform And Not Less Than 150 Words 19246571


· 1-ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source: this source offers a wide range of materials in nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and the likes. It has over 860 titles in full text and over 12,000 full-text dissertations indicative of arduous nursing scholarships. Additionally, it gives access to online reference books, training tools, and evidence-based nursing material from The Joana Briggs Institute. It’s a good source for training videos and cultural reports that helps with creating a better understanding of patient care.

· CINAHL Complete is one of the most reliable databases for nursing. It offers research tools and access to nursing and allied journals. It is comprised of more than 1300 journal titles and covers over fifty specialties in nursing. Also, it offers continuing education modules, research instruments, and evidence-based care sheets.

I believe these databases will help me find the best research articles for my EBP proposal.



2-The GCU Library offers very many sources and databases of information from which nurses can be able to get nursing information. The university has databases that they get peer reviewed journal articles. These databases include the CINAHL Complete and Cochrane Library (Grand Canyon University, n.d.). These two databases are well known for having scholarly articles and journals that are very good in evidence based practice. These databases are specifically for nursing and health sciences. These databases are very good sources of information and evidence based practice papers than other sources for certain reasons. One is that they guarantee scholarly articles that are peer reviewed. The sources only provide materials and articles that have been peer reviewed. These means that the information that they provide to the reader is credible and can be used in the practice. Peer reviewed scholarly articles show that the information in the journal has been reviewed by other experts in the field and therefore the information can be used in a research or in a hospital setting.

Another reason as to why these databases are better is that they are more specific to subject and topic. This means that no time is wasted in search of information that is to be used in the research or practice. At times, the researcher has to go very many volumes of journals so as to be able to find some information (Dvorkin & Sylvester, 2018). However, these databases are specific in that they provide information on certain disciplines of nursing and health sciences. This means that they are more specific to subject. Another advantage of using these sources is that they offer a wide range of options. They have very many articles from which a nurse can choose from and they can get credible information from any of them. This means that not only is the source credible it is also reliable and one can depend fully on it.


Dvorkin, J., & Sylvester, K. (2018). Sources: Credible and Incredible. Critical News Literacy, 108-119. doi:10.4324/9781351030069-10

Grand Canyon University. (n.d.). Journal Databases. Retrieved from



3-One of the reasons I believe that academic databases are better than open web searches and Google Scholar is the fact that medical research contains a lot of qualitative data, some of which are stored in raw form. Such raw data would likely be in audio-visual forms, though some may be transcribed into text and pictures (Cleland, Harrild & Moffat, 2013). Research databases store these types of data in one place; the researcher has the option to separate them. The same cannot be said of Google search; though Google searches these days can return YouTube videos, such returned results can contain non-academic videos which can distract the researcher. Ironically, a lot of academic videos I’ve watched are YouTube videos, but they do not come up in YouTube searches because other non-academic videos beat them to the top ranks. This is very frustrating for a researcher who may be working with limited time.


Cleland, J., Scott, N., Harrild, K., & Moffat, M. (2013). Using databases in medical education research: AMEE Guide No. 77. Medical Teacher, 35(5), e1103–e1122.


4-Two barriers that may hold the nursing practice from achieving the Institute of Medicine goal of 90% of practice being evidence-based by 2020 are time/knowledge and resistance (Oncology Nursing Society, 2019). A lack of time prevents clinicians from critiquing and apprising evidence-based practice resulting in a lack of knowledge related to the evidence-based practice that needs to be implemented (Oncology Nursing Society, 2019). Also, resistance can be met when trying to change the culture of an organization, although evidence-based practice is the standard now, and hopefully less resistance will be seen in the future (Oncology Nursing Society, 2019). These barriers can be overcome by engaging the appropriate stakeholders and gaining administrative support (Oncology Nursing Society, 2019).


Oncology Nursing Society. (2019). Overcome Barriers to Applying an Evidence-Based Process for Practice Change. Retrieved from



5-“By the year 2020, 90 percent of clinical decisions will be supported by accurate, timely, and up-to-date clinical information, and will reflect the best available evidence. We feel that this presents a tangible focus for progress toward our vision, that Americans ought to expect at least this level of performance, that it should be feasible with existing resources and emerging tools, and that measures can be developed to track and stimulate progress” , a goal stated by IOM for  Healthy People 2020 . Statics currently shows only 15 percent of that goal being meet. Evidence-based practice integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies with clinicians’ expertise, patient assessments, and patients’ own preferences, leads to better, safer care; better outcomes; and lower health care costs. Yet despite the fact that nurses report that engaging in EBP leads to greater professional satisfaction,  a survey amongst nurses in the United States found that they we’re not consistently using it. ” Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus, conducted a descriptive survey of a random sample of 1,015 members of the American Nurses Association. The results showed that only 34.5% of respondents (350) agreed or strongly agreed that their colleagues consistently used EBP in treating patients. Although a majority (76.2%) felt it was important for them to have more education and skills in EBP, most found educational opportunities wanting, as they did access to knowledgeable mentors, resources, and tools needed to use EBP”, (AJN,2012).Two major  barriers found were the lack of time and the other was just that people didn’t support the lack of time can be adressed is to schedule days when employees are of for an EBP training. doing training during shift can be hectic at times. When there’s a special time put aside for just this people may be more likely to fully engage istead of listening thinking about unfinished work during the shift. With the lack of support barrier, I believe sometimes people are quick to turn things down when they do not understand it. With the time set aside to train people about EBP , gaining more information and getting educated on the approach may enlighten people, therefore making them more open to engge in change.


Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Remain… : AJN The American Journal of Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Institute of Medicine (US) Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine. (2013, January 01). Institute of Medicine: Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine. Retrieved from




6-I agree Caylee, Education is one of the major reason that nurses may be relunctant to paticipate in EBP approach. Some nurses have been working for 10-20 years and EBP may be fairly new. “People educated 20 years ago didn’t learn an EBP approach to care,” she says, adding that educators still spend more time teaching students how to do rigorous research than they do teaching them how to use research in practice”(AJN,2012). Evidence-based practice is an expected core competency of all health care clinicians regardless of discipline. Use of evidence-based practice means integrating the best research with clinical expertise and patient values to achieve optimal health outcomes. As a result of educational deficiencies related to the incorporation of EBP into educational settings, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the association that guides baccalaureate and graduate nursing education curricula, identified“scholarship for evidence-based practice” as an essential of baccalaureate nursing education (Wnters, 2012).


Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Remain… : AJN The American Journal of Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Winters, C. A., & Echeverri, R. (2012). Teaching Strategies to Support Evidence-Based Practice. Critical Care Nurse, 32(3), 49-54. doi:10.4037/ccn2012159