A Abstract Is The Summary Of The Research Paper Is The Abstract Adequate What Is The 2942324

A. Abstract • Is the summary of the research paper • Is the abstract adequate? • What is the purpose of the research? • What are its benefits and implications? • What methodology was used? (sample size, data analysis methods and tools) • What are the results? The abstract should not be a mere a summary what includes the chapters included, instead it should summaries the points such as: • Purpose of the research • Methodology used in the research • Findings of the research • Conclusions and recommendations B. Acknowledgement 1. Introduction (10%) Is there a clear purpose and rationale for the study? Are there clear set of objectives and research questions? 1.1 Background of the Research When structuring the background you are required to explain the importance of studying the chosen research area and then discuss the background that lead you to conduct a research in the context of industry or organisation. In you background it is important to Consider the context of industry or organization and explain the background that lead you to conduct a research. You need to discuss at least 2 research issues under this section. In the introduction and background you have not cited references adequately. To increase the validity of your points, it is very important to cite references for facts that you presented in the research. This informs the reader of the problem or the situation, and the context you are interested in. Brief introduction of the company as well 1.2 Research Rationale • What is the research issue? • Why is it an issue? • Why is it an issue now? • What could this research shed light on? – (benefits/ implications of the study) 1.3 Problem statement – It is important to mention key research problem and who will be benefited from your research. 1.4 Significance of the research 1.5 Research Aims Please note the research aim should be aligned to your research topic. Hence the aim should be directly aligned to the research topic. 1.6 Research objectives Document Preview:

Order NoEHUK5291Word9000Deadline2015-05-01Allocation Date2015-04-24 14:49:02Order TypeDissertation (full)Academic LevelMasterSubjectMarketingOrder DeliveryTopic A critical analysis of corporate social responsibility and it impact on organisational performance in UK retail market: A case study on Primark, UK ( ref: 28 Sarfraz MaksudMA) Additional Requirement writer of: 5121 ( used propsoal A and B) you have to double check on introduction, aim, research objective and research question, hupothasis question whethere these are corect or not, if not then modify as necessary and go head. After finished clint will show to teacher and if teacher said wrong then you have to rework all. so please make sure it corect. follow guidliens properly as each and ever things are there. you are adviced to check PMP (dissertation marksheet) which will telll you which section you have to give more imp see sample teacher comment on previous dissertation so you have an idea what they are looking on it. which same our time and reduce chances to place for rework.

