A Construct A Delay Machine Having Input And Output Alphabet 50 16 That For Any Inpu 2288316

a. Construct a delay machine having input and output alphabet 50, 16 that, for any input sequence al a2a3… produces an output sequence of 00al a2a3… . b. Explain (intuitively) why a finite-state machine cannot be built that, for any input sequence al a2a3… , produces the output sequence 0a10a20a3… .

a. Construct a finite-state machine that will compute the 2’s complement of p where p is a binary number input with the least significant digit first. (See Exercise 27, Section 8.2.) (In this case, read the input right to left.)

b. Use the machine of part (a) to find the 2’s complement of 1100 and of 1011