A Cross National Joint Venture Mining Project Has Hired You As An It Consultant This 3298550

Theme 1
A cross national joint venture mining project has hired you as an IT consultant. This project involves
companies from China, India and Australia. The project has agreed to implement an ERP system to be
jointly managed by the consortium. You are required to provide professional advice on how to maximise
value from this technology by addressing the issues and challenges related to its
adoption/implementation and utilisation, and its alignment with business requirements.
Theme 2
After graduation you have been appointed as an advisor to your country’s Treasury/Ministry of
Economic Development or Ministry of Science and Technology. Your first assignment is to prepare a
report for technological infrastructure that would enable manufacturing businesses in your country to
be globally competitive in 2030. You are required to focus on just three technological services from the
overall infrastructure and develop a business case of their promise and value profile for your national
economy and highlight issues and challenges related to their country wide availability and utilisation.
In this assignment you are required to carry out literature review and present your findings on either
(only 1) of the assignment themes. A special condition of this assignment is at least 20 (post year 2010)
quality references. (Quality refers to peer reviewed journal articles).
Word Limit: Minimum/Maximum of 2000 – 2500 words excluding figures, appendices, and references.

