A Marketing Research Proposal Is A Document Prepared By A Marketing Researcher That 3587013

Assessment 2 – Research Proposal
A marketing research proposal is a document prepared by a marketing researcher that
describes all the steps in the research process and presents a methodology for how the
marketing research project will be conducted. The proposal needs to state what the research
will achieve and how it will achieve it, so that that the client commissioning the research is
able to make an informed decision as to whether they would like to proceed with the
research, and allows the marketing researcher to convince the research buyer or decision
maker that the project is worth the expense.
You have been asked to design a marketing research project for a scenario of your choice
(see scenarios attached). You need to develop a marketing research proposal that identifies
the marketing problem and the steps that will enable you to recommend a marketing
decision to your client’s management. The proposal must outline the steps in the research
process and the rationale for using them. It must clearly communicate exactly what
information will be obtained, where it will be obtained and how it will be obtained.
Your research proposal is due in Week 8. You must incorporate academic literature to
support/justify ideas. Unsubstantiated statements will not provide credibility to the
Your Research Proposal should:
? Give a brief overview of the product/brand
? Identify the purpose of the research
? Distinguish measurable symptoms from the root problem
? Identify and clarify information needs
? Identify unit of analysis
? Identify relevant variables
? Provide a statement of the Decision Maker’s Purpose
? Define Research Question/s
? Identify the type of data required to answer each research question
? Specify Research Objectives
? Confirm the information value of the project
? Provide a conceptual model illustrating the relationships between the proposed
? Identify and justify the proposed Research Design
? Identify and justify Method of Administration
? Design the measurement tool / implementation plan for the relevant method of
administration (i.e. questionnaire)
? Identify and provide repeatable details of the proposed sampling technique
? Discuss any ethical considerations related to the research
? Reference List
You should also ensure that your report is professionally written and presented, ready for
presentation to your client, and appropriate secondary sources are used in support.

