According To The Case I Attached Below You Need To Write A Case Study For A Successf 2654937

According to the case I attached below, you need to write a case study. For a successful case write up, you will need the following:1. Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy and then make clear recommendations with as much support as possible.2. Papers should be no more than three double spaced pages (not including exhibits) and include a cover page with your name, the date, the course number, and the title of the assignment (case name).3. Papers should be organized into specific sections. For example, Background, Key Issues, Risk, Recommendations, and Detailed Support for Any Recommendations.4. Your grade will depend on how well you identify the issues and argue your recommendation. Document Preview:

MedImmuneCase studyReference no 102-009-1This case was written by John D Sullivan,Boston University.It is intended to beused as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective orineffective handling of a management situation.The case was compiled frompublished sources and generalised experience.© 2002,JD Sullivan,Boston University.Revised 2004.No part of this publication may be copied,stored,transmitted,reproducedor distributed in any form or medium whatsoever without the permissionof the copyright owner.Distributed by The Case Centre North America Rest of the t +1 781 239 5884 t +44 (0)1234 750903All rights reserved f +1 781 239 5885 f +44 (0)1234 751125case centree e info@thecasecentre.orgEducational material supplied by The Case CentreCopyright encoded A76HM-JUJ9K-PJMN9IOrder reference F321469Purchased for use by Jie Zhou on 29-Mar-2018. Order ref F321469.You are permitted to view the material on-line and print a copy for your personal use until 29-Mar-2019.Please note that you are not permitted to reproduce or redistribute it for any other purpose.102-009-1 MedImmune MedImmune, Incorporated, a biotechnology company with five products on the market and a series of products in the pipeline, has considered expanding its operations and market power through the purchase of a smaller biotech firm that would compliment their existing product base. In their search for a suitable candidate, the management of MedImmune began to target Aviron, a biopharmaceutical company based in Mountain View, California. While the company’s lead product, FluMist, helped Aviron generate $11.7 million in revenue for the first nine months of 2001, it reported a net loss of $89.2 million for the same period. The company’s goal is to become a leader in the discovery, development, manufacture, and marketing of vaccines that are safe, effective, and can…

