Anchorforeign Exchange Markets 2308392

Foreign Exchange Markets
Total marks: 100 Personal ID: [Enteryour PersonalID] I have read the Assignment Guide in the ‘Generalassessment information’ and have applied the wordcount principles to my work. My word count for this assignment is: [Enter your word count] words Your assignment should be loaded into KapLearn by 11.30 pm AEST on the due date Checklist
ü I have completed my assignment using Word.
ü I have completed my assignment using Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana fonts.
ü I have added my Personal ID on this page.
ü I have added my word count on this page.
ü I have added my Personal ID in front of the filename in the footer on the second page.
ü I have saved the file to be uploaded as PersonalID_FIN341_AS_v3A1
ü Each question of my assignment is within the word limit guidelines for that question as per the ‘Generalassessment information’ (Assessment àAssignment àGeneralassessment information).
ü My assignment file size is no larger than 2 MB.
ü If tables were required, they are visible as text, not as links or images.
ü I have not removed the marking grid from thefooter.
ü I have submitted my assignment as per the instructions in KapLearn.
Marker feedback Document Preview:

Foreign Exchange Markets (FIN341) Assignment Total marks: 100 Personal ID:[Enter your Personal ID]I have read the Assignment Guide in the ‘General assessment information’ and have applied the word count principles to my work. My word count for this assignment is:[Enter your word count] words Your assignment should be loaded into KapLearn by 11.30 pm AEST on the due dateChecklist ?I have completed my assignment using Word. ?I have completed my assignment using Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana fonts. ?I have added my Personal ID on this page. ?I have added my word count on this page. ?I have added my Personal ID in front of the filename in the footer on the second page. ?I have saved the file to be uploaded as PersonalID_FIN341_AS_v3A1 ?Each question of my assignment is within the word limit guidelines for that question as per the ‘General assessment information’ (Assessment ? Assignment ? General assessment information). ?My assignment file size is no larger than 2 MB. ?If tables were required, they are visible as text, not as links or images. ?I have not removed the marking grid from the footer. ?I have submitted my assignment as per the instructions in KapLearn. Marker feedback Comment on overall performance: For marker use only. Instructions to students •This assignment covers Topics 1 to 6 and accounts for 40% of your final grade. •There are six (6) questions in this assignment. You should answer all questions. •The overall word limit for the assignment is 2800 words. Marks will only be awarded for answers up to the word limit (plus 10%) for each question. Any material written after this will not be counted towards your mark for that question. Headings, quotes and references within the body of the answer are included in the word count. Numerical tables, calculations, and reference lists are not included. For more information on word counts and their rationale, go to Assessment ? Assignment ? General assessment…

