Answer The Below Four Questions Provided On The National Council On Economic Educati 2814028

Answer the below four questions provided on the National Council on Economic Education worksheet:

  1. 1. List three businesses that can exist today, because of the World Wide Web that could not have existed before the advent of this technological communication system.
  2. 2. How has the World Wide Web allowed supported the establishment and functioning of these businesses?
  3. 3. Do you think that the World Wide Web has made it easier or more difficult to start new businesses? Explain your answer.
  4. 4. Do you think that the World Wide Web has made it easier or more difficult for companies to establish themselves as monopolies? Explain your answer.

Now, pretend that you are an editorialist, and write an editorial considering whether or not you believe that monopolies should be illegal and defend your argument using pertinent economic theory.