Assessment 3 Requires You To Write A Social Media Marketing Report Of 1500 Words Max 2943768

Assessment 3 requires you to write a social media marketing report of 1500 words maximum. Choose one of the following companies: • National Australia Bank • Optus • Holden • Eagle Boys • Sportsbet • LJ Hooker Your task in Assessment 3 is to write a social media marketing report for the senior management of your chosen company. You will need to address the following in your report: 1. Use the four steps model for developing a social media marketing strategy as the basis for researching and analysing your company’s use of social media. This will help to summarise your chosen company’s history with and current use of social media; 2. List and explain which social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter etc.) are being used by your chosen company and assess the overall use of and effectiveness of each of these platforms; and 3. Make 3 recommendations to improve and enhance your chosen company’s social media marketing efforts. Instructions • The social media marketing report should be presented as a formal business report. • Please use size 12 font with 1.5 line spacing in a Word document (no PDF). • Your argument and analysis in this report requires theoretical support from a minimum of 10 journal article references.

