Assessment Item 1 Assignment 1 Value 10 Due Date 06 May 2015 Return Date 27 May 2015 788572

Assessment item 1

Assignment 1


Due date:06-May-2015

Return date:27-May-2015

Submission method options

EASTS (online)


Total Marks: 60

Number of Questions: 9

There are two parts of questions.

Part I are essay questions and Part II are practice questions. Please complete all the questions and submit your word or PDF file PLUS packet tracer file via EASTs before the due date.

Part I (10 marks)

Please review the corresponding chapters, practise the required tasks and complete the following four sub-questions.

Question 1.1: (3 marks)
What is the full name of ARP? (1 mark)
Which layer does ARP work on? Why do we need ARP? (2 marks)

Question 1.2: (2 marks)
In your local machine CLI window, type the command “arp – a”
Take a screen shot of the output and explain two lines as examples (2 marks)

Question 1.3: (3 marks)
Issue “netstat -r” command in the CLI window, screen shot the IPv4 and IPv6 tables and explain the table content row-by-row (3 marks)

Question 1.4: (2 marks)
What is your local machine’s default gateway IP address? What is the purpose of having a default gateway? (2 marks)

Part II (48 marks)

A small business, Smart Office Services Pty Ltd, has its central office (HQ) and two branch offices (BRANCH 1 and BRANCH 2) linked via serial leased lines using routers. The network topology is given as follows. It is required that:
a) You will be assigned a single IP to configure this network.
b) You must e-mail your lecturer to request an IP address. Once you have received your allocated IP address you need to reply with a confirmation e-mail.
Study the network topology, examine the network requirements, set up the network in Packet Tracer and complete all five sub-questions.

Keep in mind that IP addresses will be needed for each of the LAN interfaces.

Question 2.1: (10 marks)
Identify the different subnets according to network requirements. Please analyse and design the best IP addressing scheme.

Create a table which lists the following information: Router Interfaces/ IP Address (Highest)/ IP Address (Lowest)/ Subnet Mask/ Default Gateway). Please show working out.
Note: The lowest IP addresses of each subnet should be given to the PCs. The highest IP addresses of each subnet are given as the default gateway.

Question 2.2: (4 marks)
Set up the required network in Packet Tracer software. Select one router in the topology, type the command “show version” in the CLI interface. What is the version number of IOS? What are the sizes of RAM, Flash and NVRAM?

Question 2.3: (21 marks)
Configure the three (3) routers:
– name the routers and label them as HQ, BRANCH 1 and BRANCH 2 (1 mark)
– set the secret password as ‘class’ on all routers (1 mark)
– configure interfaces/ PCs (3 marks)
– configure TELNET on the HQ router with a password of ‘xyz123’ and (a suitable) MOTD (2 marks)
– Verify basic configuration and router operations

Question 2.4: (5 marks)
Configure the other PCs and configure the necessary static routes (such as IP route exit interface) on three routers to make a successful connection between routers.
“Show ip route” check and screen shot each router’s routing table.
Question 2.5: (8 marks)
PING from PC6 in LAN6 to PC4 in LAN4 (checked in Packet Tracer file). What protocol is used by PING? What are the names of two PING messages? (2 marks)
Record the information flow in EVENT LIST of simulation and explain the PDU information such as TYPE and involved layers in each stage (6 marks)
Note:2 marks will be given for the appropriate referencing and citation.


This assessment task covers topics (IP Addressing,VLSM design, Router Configuration,etc.) and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:
– design a subnet plan for a small company network including several routers and subnets;
– discuss routing problems that can occur in complex networks;
– correctly identify and discuss the functionality and limitations of different devices used in computer networks;
– evaluate network performance;
– perform basic router configuration of security passwords and interfaces;
– configure simple routing.

Marking criteria

The following criteria are designed to guide you in your presentation and preparation of your assignment. The criteria apply generally across all questions to show you the standard required for each of the criteria.








All questions and procedures articulated and applied clearly and concisely, all calculations are successful and complete, appropriate hardware identified and described clearly and concisely. Configuration commands are clear and accurate. Appropriate protocols are selected

All questions and procedures articulated and applied clearly and concisely,Most calculations are correct and complete, appropriate hardware identified and described clearly and concisely. Most configuration commands are clear and accurate.Appropriate protocols are selected

Most questions and procedures articulated and applied clearly. Some explanation has been attempted.Most calculations are correct and complete, appropriate hardware identified and described with minor errors.Most configuration commands are accurate. Major parameters of protocols are selected

Most questions and procedures are applied correctly, Some explanation has been attempted. Some calculations are correct. Hardware is identified and described with some errors. Some configuration commands are incorrect. Some parameters of protocols have been correctly selected.

The questions and procedures required are absent or applied incorrectly. Calculations are incorrect hardware have been identified. Configuration commands are incorrect or missing, incorrect protocols are selected.


Protocols are contextualized to the problem

Protocols are appropriate to the problem with minor limitation.

Protocols selected have some limitations in application.

Protocols selected have many limitations in application.

Protocols are not contextualized.


Diagrams of configurations, interfaces and passwords are completed and verified correctly.

Diagrams of configurations, interfaces and passwords are completed and verified with minor errors.

Diagrams of configurations, interfaces and passwords are completed with some errors and verified mostly.

Diagrams of configurations, interfaces and passwords are completed with some errors and verified partially.

Diagrams of configurations, interfaces and passwords are incorrect or missing.

Level of depth of justification

Explanations and justification are clearly articulated and comprehensive, explanations are logical and clear

Explanation provided, clearly described but with minor errors in it

Explanation provided, clearly described but major errors in it

Explanation provided, but not clear or correct

Explanations and justification are absent.


Presentation is clear, concise and appropriate with no spelling or grammatical errors and uses appropriate APA referencing.

Presentation is clear and appropriate with no spelling or grammatical errors and uses appropriate APA referencing.

Presentation informative and appropriate with minor spelling or grammatical errors and uses good APA referencing.

Presentation informative but some are not clear and appropriate with a few spelling or grammatical errors and uses good APA referencing.

Presentation is unclear and is ungrammatical and poorly spelled.Poor APA referencing.

Assessment item 2

Chapter Tests & Lab Practice


Due date:Variable

Return date:

Submission method options

N/A – submission not required/applicable


This assessment item will consist of 11 weekly online module tests and 1 packet tracer lab activity.( More details can be found in Cisco NetSpace Site)

Your lecturer will record your assessment marks for each test during the session. These tests will contribute 10% of your overall mark for the subject.


These tests are designed to test your understanding of concepts and networking skills covered in each chapter.

Marking criteria

Chapter test is a multiple choice questions test that will be marked online immediately after submission of the test.







In this subject, each chapter has 20- 25 multiple choice questions to be completed weekly.

Each chapter also has several lab practice questions to be completed weekly

To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 85%-100% of the chapter test.

To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 75%-84% of the chapter test.

To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 65%-74% of the chapter test.

To meet this level you will attain a cumulative mark between 50%-64% of the chapter test.

Student has been unable to provide at least 50% of the cumulative mark of the chapter test.

