Assessment Task 3 Market Analysis Business Report 45 Apply Descriptive Statistical S 3119520

  • Assessment Task 3: Market Analysis Business Report (45%)

    Apply descriptive statistical skills to a provided data set on market behaviour or performance and analyse the data in order to describe the characteristics of a market or a consumer group.

    Due Date: Monday June 3, 11.55pm Weighting: 45% Length and/or format: 2250 words Purpose: Appraise a data set using learnt descriptive statistical skills in order to demonstrate basic applied understanding of such skills in a marketing context, and to demonstrate the ability to interpret numeric data, and derive market or consumer meaning from it. Learning outcomes assessed: LO3, LO5 and LO6 How to submit: Turnitin on LEO Return of assignment: Electronically, after final grades released. Assessment criteria: Refer to rubric appended to Unit Outline.


    Download the relevant ABS 2016 census data for the region in which your coffee shop is located, eg. Greater Brisbane. Use this data to justify your marketing strategy by applying the various analytical techniques you have studied in this unit. Ensure you incorporate a statistical analysis of demographic data (using the various techniques studied in class) that supports your marketing strategy in the area you will be establishing your coffee shop. Please note you do not need to conduct Hypothesis Testing.Such data may include but is not limited to:

    • Age
    • Household size
    • Personal Income
    • Family Income
    • Country of Birth
    • Labour Force Status

    When you are thinking about which data to use, think about the type of customer you are wanting to attract to your coffee shop. For example, are you wanting to attract families with children, couples, hipsters, or everyone? Is your coffee shop high-end or budget? If you are wanting to attract families with children, you may wish to explore the data on household size. If your coffee shop is high-end, you may wish to explore the data on family income, personal income or labour-force status.

    You may also work backwards and look at the data for your suburb and surrounding suburbs, and then fine tune your coffee shop to suit that specific area. Remember, you are allowed to make changes to your original business analysis report you wrote for Assessment 2. That is what good research is about.

    Also, try looking at the data of all the suburbs within a 5km radius of your coffee shop (the catchment area). Then use such data to find the averages of your variables and draw graphs of all of those suburbs combined. Then related these findings back to the viability of your enterprise and the customers you are trying to appeal to in its current planned location.

    Please note too, as well as the Excel data provided below, the ABS 2016 Censuswebsite incorporates a wealth of data which can even drill down to individual suburbs. I would highly recommend accessing this site and exploring the various tools available which will aid in writing your report.

    Suggested Structure

    1. Title page (not included in word count)

    2. Executive summary (not included in word count, suggest you use appx 200 words)
    (an Executive Summary is a brief section at the beginning a report that summarises your document. The reader should be able to understand the essence of the document without having to read the whole thing.

    3. Table of contents (not included in word count)

    4. Introduction

    a. 1 paragraph

    b. Tell us the purpose of the report (what is the objective of the report?)

    5. Main body (use subheadings here)

    In the main body, identify the key identifiers (supported by data and your knowledge of stats) that support your marketing strategy. E.g. age – what does the data tell you about that area? Why does this support your strategy? You may like to draw on additional sources to support these ideas. Be sure to indicate appropriate theories and their applications.

    6. Conclusion

    a. 1 paragraph

    b. Tell us what the report has discovered and why that’s important.

    7. References (not included in word count)

    8. Appendices (not included in word count)

    Additional Points

    • You are welcome to use the PFBS report template to help organise your paper.
    • When you use tables and graphs, be sure to reference these appropriately. See
    • Everything in the introduction, body and conclusion of your report is included in the word count.
    • Refer back to BUSN104 Week 10, or ACCT100 Week 8 for report writing tips.
    • Refer to ASU for other tips on report writing
    • Though you may find existing graphs and tables about your market, I would recommend that you consider these inspiration, and create your own using the data set you have been given.
    • Don’t forget to proofread.
    • Your unit outline contains a list of recommended references that you could use to assist your research.

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  •  Excel Data SetsFolder
  •  Assessment Task 3 (Market Analysis)Turnitin Assignment