Assessment Title Android App Developmentpurpose Of The Assessment Withulo Mapping St 2928403

Assessment Title Android App DevelopmentPurpose of the assessment (withULO Mapping) Students are required to design and develop an App for Australian rent a car office.Students will be able to:a. Install and configure Android application development toolsb. Apply Java programming concepts, models/architectures and patterns toAndroid application developmentc. Design components, systems and/or processes and develop user Interfaces for the Android platform to meet required specificationsd. Implement and test solutionsWeight 10% of the total assessmentsTotal Marks 10Word limit 1000-1500 wordsDue Date Week 06Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard or IEEE referencing style.Assignment 1 SpecificationProject name: Rent a Car AppYou are required to design and develop using Android studio a Rent a Car App, that provides a listing of six Australian known car rental companies. By selecting a car company, a car rental site opens.App requirement1. An opening screen displays an image of a car and a button.2. The second screen displays a listing of six car rental companies. This screen also contains a custom icon and layout.3. Each car rental agency can be selected to view a website of the corresponding company.Conditions:1. Select your own images.2. Create a custom layout for the list.Submission RequirementSubmissions must consist of your zipped project folder. Submissions not following these requirements will be penalized. Submissions should reflect the concepts and practices we cover in class.1. Complete code for your project. You can use any publicly available libraries / code / artwork / materials as long as you correctly acknowledge all sources. Please remember that when you include new features from the Android API or examples of code from other sources or projects – you must cite these examples in comments (author, website or book where you got the ideas from).2. Documentation of your programming effort and your design process. This should be a separate document, giving an overview of the different steps you went through and presenting all documentation materials you produced on the way.3. Manual for your product. Document that describes how the product is to be used. Please make use of screen shots here to document all functionality.You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the course description. Your research should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words. All reports must use the Harvard referencing style. Marking rubrics are attached.Marking criteriaMarking criteria WeightingSimplify! The Android User Interface2%Engage! Android User Input, Variables, and Operations2%Explore! Icons and Decision-Making Controls2%Investigate! Android Lists, Arrays, and Web Browsers2%Harvard or IEEE Reference style2%TOTAL Weight 10%Assessment Feedback:Marking RubricsGrades Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory UnsatisfactorySimplify! TheAndroid UserInterface/2 Demonstrated excellent design of the user interface Demonstrated very good design of the user interface Demonstrated good design of the user interface Demonstrated satisfactory design of the user interface Demonstrated unsatisfactory design of the user interfaceEngage! AndroidUser Input,Variables, andOperations/2 Demonstrated excellent engagement by the usage of Android UserInput, Variables,andOperations Demonstrated very good engagement by the usage ofAndroid UserInput,Variables, and Demonstrated good engagement by the usage of Android User Input,Variables, and Demonstrated satisfactoryengagement by the usage of Android User Input,Variables, and Demonstrated unsatisfactory engagement by the usage of Android UserInput, Variables, andExplore! Icons and DecisionMaking Controls/2 Demonstrated excellent usage of Icons and Decision-MakingControls Demonstrated very good usage of Icons and DecisionMakingControls Demonstrated good usage ofIcons andDecision-MakingControls Demonstrated satisfactory usage of Icons and DecisionMakingControls Demonstrated unsatisfactory usage of Icons andDecision-MakingControlsInvestigate!Android Lists,Arrays, andWeb Browsers/2 Demonstrated excellent usage of Android Lists, Arrays, andWeb Browsers Demonstrated very good usage of Android Lists,Arrays, and Demonstrated good usage of Android Lists,Arrays, and Demonstrated satisfactory usage of Android Lists,Arrays, and Demonstrated unsatisfactory usage of AndroidLists, Arrays, andHarvard or IEEEReference style/2 Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimesclear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors