Assessment Titlewritten Assessment Task Description You Have Already Analysed The Co 2342014

Assessment TitleWritten Assessment

Task Description

You have already analysed the conceptual design of a project in assignment 1. In this assessment, you are required to write a report which critically analyses the preliminary design and detailed design and production phases of the project discussed in assignment 1. Particular attention is to be paid to the system test, evaluation and validation processes employed and any optimisation that was required.

The details of this assessment will be available on the unit website in Week 1.

Assessment Due Date

Week 11 Friday (29 Sep 2017) 10:00 am AEST

Return Date to Students

Review/Exam Week Friday (13 Oct 2017)


Assessment Criteria

Marking Assessment Criteria: Weighted 30%

1. Introduction (10 Marks)

2. Preliminary design (10 Marks)

3. Detailed design and development (10 Marks)

4. System test, evaluation & validation and optimisation (10 Marks)

5. Conclusion (5 marks)

6. Research skills (10 marks)

7. Grammar and spelling (5 Marks)

Referencing Style

  • Harvard (author-date)


Learning Outcomes Assessed

  • Describe the processes of development and management of systems over the systems life cycle
  • Critically evaluate the importance of feedback control loop and human factors in the preliminary and detailed system design
  • Critically evaluate and report the common management processes used in the development, implementation and disposal of real or simulated systems
  • Apply appropriate processes in the optimisation of systems using reliability testing, sustainability and evaluation

Graduate Attributes

  • Knowledge
  • Communication
  • Cognitive, technical and creative skills
  • Research
  • Self-management
  • Ethical and Professional

Document Preview:

System Engineering Design: Environmentally-Conscious Buildings Gilbert Raja mothinathan 12033288 Table of contents 1.Introduction……………………………………………………………………2 2.Needs Definition………………………………………………..………………2 3.Conceptual Design………………………………………………..……………6 4.Conclusion ………………..…………………………………..………………10 5. References ……..……………………………………………..………………11 .. 1. Introduction Fueled that are concerned about the energy, emission of green house gases and the quality of indoor air also have created an interesting explosion of Environmentally Conscious Building in the construction industry. The green outlook offers the construction industry a vast opening towards energy consumption. This report depicts the importance of developing Environmentally Conscious Building in terms of Green building in Australia. The building components and operations could be executed successfully after the implementation of the green building in the construction industry. A divergent process set is needed for implementing successfully the green model. In order to meet the demand of the Australian Government it is necessary to develop the programs those are increasing the stringent regulation related to the water conservation, energy usage, energy efficiency as well. The construction of green building in Australia currently encountered many impediments due to the presence of lack of green building project management framework. “The Prince’s Terrace Adelaide” is one of the most well known sustainable buildings of Australia. Even this is the first 6 star green start rating building that had used 50% lesser energy and 50% of lesser portable water than the urban dwelling. The definition of Environmentally Conscious Building and a conceptual design of Environmentally Conscious Building are elaborated in this report. 2. Need definition for the Environmentally Conscious Building (Green Building) The construction of green building is…

