Assignment 1 Analysis Of Real Time System Overview The Purpose Of This Assessment Is 2859780

Assignment 1 – Analysis of Real-Time System Overview The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen, extend and apply the knowledge and skills developed from the first 3 weeks of material. Students complete the assignment individually. As described in this course’s third study guide – Software Analysis, Modelling and Specification – there are two main approaches to systems analysis specification – structured (or classical analysis) and object-oriented analysis. Your text, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach (Pressman, 2010) identifies these two paths as different approaches to requirements modelling. There are special extensions to the structured approach to deal with real-time systems. Study guide three identifies a real-time system as “…a system that has to respond to external events in a pre-defined maximum time interval. Hence such systems differ from the normal software system in that their temporal performance forms part of their requirements”. This assignment asks you to individually provide the requirements analysis specification for an example of a real-time system. You will be required to complete Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) as well as include RT-SASD modifications and components including Control Flow Diagram extensions (CFDs), updates to Process Specifications (PSPECs) and Data/Requirements Dictionary as well as Control Specifications (CSPECs) (using combinational or sequential FSMs as required and presented in an appropriate format as Process Activation Tables (PATs) and/or State Transition (Machine) Diagrams (STDs)). Timelines and Expectations Marks: Assignment will be assessed based on a mark out of 100 The following information is a summary from your Course Description: Percentage Value of Task: 20% of the course marks Due: Week 6, Thursday 4:00pm Minimum time expectation: 20 hours Document Preview:

School of Engineering and Information Technology ITECH7410 – Software Engineering Methodologies Assignment 1, 2018/17 __________________________________________________________________________________ Assignment 1 – Analysis of Real-Time System Overview The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen, extend and apply the knowledge and skills developed from the first 3 weeks of material. Students complete the assignment individually. As described in this course’s third study guide – Software Analysis, Modelling and Specification – there are two main approaches to systems analysis specification – structured (or classical analysis) and object-oriented analysis. Your text, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach (Pressman, 2010) identifies these two paths as different approaches to requirements modelling. There are special extensions to the structured approach to deal with real-time systems. Study guide three identifies a real-time system as “…a system that has to respond to external events in a pre-defined maximum time interval. Hence such systems differ from the normal software system in that their temporal performance forms part of their requirements”. This assignment asks you to individually provide the requirements analysis specification for an example of a real-time system. You will be required to complete Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) as well as include RT-SASD modifications and components including Control Flow Diagram extensions (CFDs), updates to Process Specifications (PSPECs) and Data/Requirements Dictionary as well as Control Specifications (CSPECs) (using combinational or sequential FSMs as required and presented in an appropriate format as Process Activation Tables (PATs) and/or State Transition (Machine) Diagrams (STDs)). Timelines and Expectations Marks: Assignment will be assessed based on a mark out of 100 The…

