Business Activity And Installment Activity Statement Tasks 2803434

  • This assignment contains multiple Assessment Activities
  • Please complete the Declaration of Authenticity at the bottom of this page
  • Save this assignment (e.g. on your desktop)
  • To complete the assignment, read the instructions for each question carefully.
  • You may be required to refer to your learning materials or other sources to complete this assessment.
  • You are required to type all your responses in the spaces provided
  • Once you have completed all parts of the assignment and saved it, login to the Monarch Institute LMS to submit your assignment for grading
  • To submit your assignment click on the file “SubmitFNSBKG404 – Activity Statements assignment”in the LMS module of your course and upload your assignment file.
    • Please be sure to click “Continue” after clicking “submit”.This ensures your assessor receives notification of your submission – very important!

Declaration of Understanding and Authenticity *
I have read and understood the assessment instructions provided to me in the Learning Management System.
I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work hasbeen used without due acknowledgement. I understandthat the work submitted may be reproduced and/or communicated for the purpose
of detecting plagiarism.

Student Name*: Date:
* I understand that by typing my name or inserting a digital signature into this box that I agree and am bound by the above student declaration.
Important assessment information
Aims of this assessment
This assessment focuses on Business Activity & Instalment Activity Statements as well as the underlying theory of taxation including GST and Pay As You Go (PAYG).
Marking and feedback
This assignment contains multiple Assessment Activities each containing specific instructions.
You are required to attempt all questions.
This particular assessment forms part of your overall assessment for the following unit(s) of competency:

  • FNSBKG404 Carry Out Business Activity and Instalment Activity Statement Tasks

Grading for this assessment will be deemed “competent” or “not-yet-competent” in line with specified educational standards under the Australian Qualifications Framework.
What does “competent” mean?
These answers contain relevant and accurate information in response to the question/s with limited serious errors in fact or application. If incorrect information is contained in an answer, it must be fundamentally outweighed by the accurate information provided. This will be assessed against a marking guide provided to assessors for their determination.
What does “not-yet-competent” mean?
This occurs when an assessment does not meet the marking guide standards provided to assessors. These answers either do not address the question specifically, or are wrong from a legislative perspective, or are incorrectly applied. Answers that omit to provide a response to any significant issue (where multiple issues must be addressed in a question) may also be deemed not-yet-competent. Answers that have faulty reasoning, a poor standard of expression or include plagiarism may also be deemed not-yet-competent. Please note, additional information regarding Monarch’s plagiarism policy is contained in the Student Information Guide which can be found here:
What happens if you are deemed not-yet-competent?
In the event you do not achieve competency by your assessor on this assessment, you will be given one more opportunity to re-submit the assessment after consultation with your Trainer/ Assessor. You will know your assessment is deemed ‘not-yet-competent’ if your grade book in the Monarch LMS says “NYC” after you have received an email from your assessor advising your assessment has been graded.
Important: It is your responsibility to ensure your assessment resubmission addresses all areas deemed unsatisfactory by your assessor. Please note, if you are still unsuccessful in meeting competency after resubmitting your assessment, you will be required to repeat those units.
In the event that you have concerns about the assessment decision then you can refer to our Complaints & Appeals process also contained within the Student Information Guide.
Expectations from your assessor when answering different types of assessment questions:
Knowledge based questions:
A knowledge based question requires you to clearly identify and cover the key subject matter areas raised in the question in full as part of the response.
Performance based questions:
A performance based question requires you to clearly demonstrate your ability to complete certain tasks, that is, to perform these tasks.
Good luck
Finally, good luck with your learning and assessments and remember your trainers are here to assist you J

