Can I Get Solution For This Assignment 1353929

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HI5025 Accounting Standard and Theory TRIMESTER 1, 2015 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Assessment Value: 20% Instructions: 1. This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. 2. It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work is in fact her/his own work. Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic offence. Students can submit all assignments for plagiarism checking (self-check) on Blackboard before final submission in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. 3. Maximum marks available: 20 marks. 4. Due date of submission: Friday Week 8 5. Assignment should be of 2,000 words. Please use “wordcount” and include in report. Guidelines for Literature Critiques Students must submit a critique of assigned academic article deemed to be seminal to their main area of research. Details about the format, structure and assessment criteria for the critique are presented below. Remember that the critique is due in end of weeks 6. FORMAT: 2000 words (maximum) The critique submission should be typed. Work should be double-spaced witha 2.4cm margin on all sides. Use only one side of each sheet of paper. STRUCTURE: While there is room for being innovative, most critiques should include the following: • Cover Page • Introduction: Introducing the topic, stating the aims of the critique, outlining the main argument to be presented and an overview of the paper and the structure of the paper to follow. • Summary of the Article: Focusing on its main argument, including its aims, its overall findings and its theoretical arguments and contribution. • Research Question: Identifying the article’s research question(s) or hypotheses and discussing its value, explaining whether and how it flowed from the…

