Career Development Plan Summary University Of Phoenix Hrm Kudler Fine Foods Kudler F 2859423

Career Development Plan Summary – University of Phoenix – HRM – Kudler Fine Foods

Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) is a specialty food store located in San Diego, CA in three locations: La Jolla, Del Mar and Encinitas and plans to open a new store in Carlsbad. Each store has the following departments: Bakery, Meats, Produce, and Cheese and Wine. KFF was established by Kathy Kudler who goal was to create a premier gourmet grocery chain for shoppers who are in search of the finest cheeses, meats, wines and produces. “Her vision was to create one store that would stock a wide selection of the freshest ingredients as well as all of the tools a gourmet cook could ever want” (Apollo Group, Inc., 2007).
KFF is continuing to grow, and the structure of our management must be compliant with such growth. I created this Plan Summary in order to provide us with guidance to achieve a more effective management system.
Nowadays Kathy is the mainly operations manager for the entire organization and controls most of the purchases made by the stores, taking her away of more strategic planning or the development of new products, as the catering service that she wants to offer.
Having this scenario the plan I developed recommend the hire of five new positions.

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[School] [Course title] Q1: The CIO of Peapod grocery store has asked you to create a Balanced Scorecard.Describe how the balanced scorecard with help management to identify information requirements.Discuss the IS system that you would recommend for management to use to obtain this information for each scorecard component. Remember to provide rationale for your recommendations.Include an APA formatted title page.Include an APA formatted reference page with at least 3 credible sources – with 1 source being from an academic journal (academic journals can be accessed through databases listed on the Rasmussen Library and Learning Services page)  Balanced Scorecard Sol:1 Q1: Describe how the balanced scorecard with help management to identify information requirements. A strategic planning and management system which is used extensively in industry, business, government, as well as in nonprofit organizations worldwide to make straight business activities to the strategy and vision of organization, monitor organization performance against strategic goals and improve external and internal communications is known as balanced scorecard. It was invented by Drs. David Norton and Robert Kaplan as the performance measurement framework which can add strategic non-financial performance events to old-style financial metrics to provide executives and managers a more ‘balanced’ outlook of the organizational performance. The balanced scorecard has go forward from its early usage as simple performance measurement framework to complete  HYPERLINK “” t “_blank” strategic planning as well as management system. Furthermore, the “new” balanced scorecard changes organization’s strategic plan from attractive on the other hand passive document in the “marching orders” aimed at the organization on daily basis. It offers a framework which not only offers performance measurements, but…

