Carry Out Business Activity And Instalment Activity Statement Tasks 2770292

Carry Out Business Activity and Instalment Activity Statement Tasks (MAS001 Activity Statements)

  • This assignment contains multiple Assessment Activities
  • You are required to attempt all questions.
  • Please complete the Declaration of Authenticity and the Declaration of Independent Supervision (below)
  • Save this assignment (e.g. on your desktop)
  • To complete the assignment, read the instructions for each question carefully.
  • You may be required to refer to your learning materials or other sources to complete this assessment.
  • You are required to type all your responses in the spaces provided
  • Once you have completed all parts of the assignment and saved it, login to the Monarch Institute LMS to submit your assignment for grading
  • To submit your assignment click on the link in the LMS “Submit TPB Written Assessment – Activity Statements” in the Assessment section of your course and upload your assignment file.
  • Please be sure to click “Continue” after clicking “Submit”. This ensures your Assessment has been sent and that your assessor receives notification of your submission – very important!

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Monarch Institute Independently Supervised TPB Written Assessment FNSBKG404 Carry Out Business Activity and Instalment Activity Statement Tasks (MAS001 Activity Statements) Instructions: This assignment contains multiple Assessment Activities You are required to attempt all questions. Please complete the Declaration of Authenticity and the Declaration of Independent Supervision (below) Save this assignment (e.g. on your desktop) To complete the assignment, read the instructions for each question carefully. You may be required to refer to your learning materials or other sources to complete this assessment. You are required to type all your responses in the spaces provided Once you have completed all parts of the assignment and saved it, login to the Monarch Institute LMS to submit your assignment for grading To submit your assignment click on the link in the LMS “Submit TPB Written Assessment – Activity Statements” in the Assessment section of your course and upload your assignment file. Please be sure to click “Continue” after clicking “Submit”. This ensures your Assessment has been sent and that your assessor receives notification of your submission – very important! Declaration of Understanding, Compliance and Authenticity * “I have read and understood the assessment instructions provided to me in the Learning Management System and within this document. I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement. I understand that the work submitted may be reproduced and/or communicated for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.” Independent Supervision of Assessment In accordance with the requirements of the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB), you are required to complete your assessment for this unit under some form of independent supervision. Declaration of Independent Supervision *: “I declare that I have completed this entire assessment under independent supervision in…

