Find The Future Value Of The Following Ordinary Annuity If Payments Are Made And

Find the future value of the following ordinary annuity, if payments are made and interest is compounded as given: R=4600;8.73% interest compounded quarterly for 9 years. How much of this value is from contributions and how much is from interest  ?  Find the effective rate corresponding to the nominal rate of 6.25% compounded semiannually.  A stock that sold for $22 at the beginning of the year was selling for $24 at the end of the year. If the stock paid a dividend of $0.50 per share, what is the simple interest rate on an investment in this stock?

Find the future value of the following ordinary annuity, if payments are made and interestis compounded as given: R=4600; 8.73% interest compounded quarterly for 9 years. Howmuch of this value is…

Fl2 Ibm Spss Statistics Data File 64 Bit Ms Windows 19 0 Y 14 Nov 1118

Independent t testIn this activity, we will start with the data file used in Part A (“Activity 6a.sav”). Suppose, however, you [the researcher] encountered a small problem during data collection: after the post-tests were collected, you realized that the post-test form did not ask for the students’ identification number. As such, it will be impossible to match pre-test scores to post-test scores. Rather than simply give up, you start thinking about the data you do have, and try to determine whether you can salvage your project. In assessing the situation, you realize that you have 40 pre-test scores and 40 post-test scores, but no way to link them. While it will result in a weaker comparison, you determine that you are still able to compare pre-test vs. post-test scores; you will use a between-subjects design rather than a within-subjects design.1. Create the data set.a. Using the “Activity 6a.sav” file as a starting point, create a new dataset that you can use with the between subjects design. Hint: you will no longer need the variables CreativePre and CreativeTest. Instead, you have only one variable for the score on the creativity test. A second (or grouping) variable will serve to indicate which test the student took.b. Submit the dataset as one of the Activity 6 files. Name the file in the following format: lastnamefirstinitialPSY7107-6a.sav (example: smithbPSY7107-6a.sav).2. Exploratory Data Analysis/Hypotheses.a. Perform exploratory data analysis on CreativityPre and CreativityPost. Using SPSS, calculate the mean and standard deviation of these two variables.b. Construct an appropriate chart/graph that displays the relevant information for these two variables.c. Write the null and alternative hypotheses used to test the question above (e.g., whether participation in the course affects writing scores).3. Comparison of Meansa. Perform an independent t test to assess your hypotheses above (note that many versions of SPSS use the term “independent samples t test” rather than simply “independent t test”.b. Write one or two paragraphs that describe the dataset, gives your hypothesis, and presents the results of the dependent sample t test. Be sure that your writing conforms to APA style.4. Comparison of Designsa. In this activity you used the same dataset to analyze both a between- and within-subjects design. Create a single paragraph (using the material you wrote above), that presents both sets of results.b. Explain, in 300-500 words, whether the two tests resulted in the same findings. Did you expect this to be the case? Why or why not? What have you learned in this activity?

Strategic Plan Line Graph

I need someone who is proficient in graphs/ statistic nursing,here are the figures to use.I JUST NEED A LINE GRAPH THANKS.


The objective is to create a line graph for the following information:

Volumes projected in this area for the first year are 1275 patient days (or visits). With physician support and effective marketing, it is expected that the volume will increase 10% the second year, 14% the third year, and 20% the fourth year. The financial goal of this project is to break even by the end of the third year of operations.
For payroll, merit increases and overtime hours should be computed at 5% each. Use the salaries and benefit data from you’re your current knowledge of your local market or assume average hourly rate for the Registered Nurse is $28/hour and assistive personnel hourly rates at $9/hour. Benefit costs can be estimated at 25% of hourly rates.
Expected revenue is calculated at $4864 per case for the first year. The payer mix for this facility is: Medicare 37.9%; Medicaid 4.5%; Managed Care (HMO/PPO) 38.8%; Private Pay 6%; other insurance 10.6%; Worker’s Comp 2.2%.

300 Words 19467887

Research the delivery, finance, management, and sustainability methods of the U.S. health care system. Evaluate the effectiveness of one or more of these areas on quality patient care and health outcomes. Propose a potential health care reform solution to improve effectiveness in the area you evaluated and predict the expected effect. Describe the effect of health care reform on the U.S. health care system and its respective stakeholders. Support your post with a peer-reviewed journal article.

Clinical Decision Case Assignment



Grading Criteria for Clinical Case Decisions:

The highest potential points for each Clinical Case Decision Question are 15-points. Students are required to upload their response as a word document attachment to the assignment drop box.

Each uploaded response is worth a possible 15 points.

  1.       Your comments should be substantiated and substantive. Postings require two citations from 1 scholarly journal and/or 1 outside text book           Text books assigned to this course may be used for an additional citation only.   
  2.       Each of the two references must be from a different reference source.
  3.       To gain full credit for the assignment, the response must be a full page discussion, but no more than three (3) pages in length, which                   includes the reference list.
  4.       Students are required to use APA format, proper citations, and references.  Students using direct quotes from referenced sources in the body       of the paper must include quotations.
  5.       Students will be assigned to a question.

Clinical Cases

You have been assigned two (2) cases to provide analysis.  All cases should include the following:

a. Pathophysiology and pharmacology of the disease

b. Expected signs and symptoms of the disease.

c. Nursing Diagnosis with a plan of care.

d. All questions pertaining to the case are listed under each case. 

Clinical Decision Cases

C1.   Mr. Appel has a severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He is admitted to the hospital with a respiratory infection and increased dyspnea; yellow, purulent sputum; anxiety; and diaphoresis. He states he feels weak and tired. He routinely takes a diuretic (furosemide) and his pulmonary medications. The following laboratory values are obtained:

Arterial blood gases:

pH 7.25                                         Serum sodium (Na+) 140 mEq/L

PaO2 60 mmHg                             Serum potassium (K+) 2.0 mEq/L

PaCO2 78 mmHg                           Serum chloride (Cl–) 105 mEq/L 

HCO3– 34 mEq/l

a. What type of electrolyte imbalance does Mr. Appel have?

b. Interpret his ABGs.

C2.   Mr. Jones is admitted to the hospital with an exacerbation of heart failure. He has +3 peripheral edema of the lower extremities.

a. What are the possible causes of his peripheral edema?

Wk1 Discuss 6052


March 21, 2010, was not EBP’s date of birth, but it may be the date the approach “grew up” and left home to take on the world.

When the Affordable Care Act was passed, it came with a requirement of empirical evidence. Research on EBP increased significantly. Application of EBP spread to allied health professions, education, healthcare technology, and more. Health organizations began to adopt and promote EBP.

In this Discussion, you will consider this adoption. You will examine healthcare organization websites and analyze to what extent these organizations use EBP.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the definition and goal of EBP.
  • Choose a professional healthcare organization’s website (e.g., a reimbursing body, an accredited body, or a national initiative).
  • Explore the website to determine where and to what extent EBP is evident.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.

Cultural Differences While Difficult To Observe And Measure Are Obviously Very I

Cultural differences, while difficult to observe and measure, are obviously very important. Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to embarrassing blunders, strain relationships, and drag down business performance. While some organizations are able to make cultural diversity a source of advantage, others do not.  Identify a recent situation in the news in which an organization failed to take into account the various cultural norms of stakeholders.  What happened?  Where did they fail and what would you recommend based on your readings, research, and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions?

Dq 18897899

As you reflect on Meilaender’s readings, what is his distinction between procreation and reproduction, as well as that of being begotten versus being made? Do you agree with his description? Why or why not?

Consider The Following Scenario You Are Senior Accountants In A Midsized Manufac

•Consider the following scenario: You are Senior Accountants in a midsized manufacturing company that has acquired 100% of another company. The acquired company includes two segments and two different pension plans. Both of these reporting issues are new to your CEO, and your CEO wants to eliminate the segments. •Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive memo that explains the required reporting for defined contribution, defined benefit, and other postretirement plans. Also include an explanation of what must happen in order for the two segments to be eliminated. (You do not need to know details about the segments to answer this.)


Here is the breakdown.