Please use attachment to complete assignment Scenario: You are a teacher at a childcare center for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “The Environment.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at home. Focus Assignment: 50 points Create a science activity plan for this age group that focuses on the environment. Be sure to provide a description of the activity you plan to carry out, the child outcomes, the space and materials needed, the procedures you will follow, and any follow-up activities that may help reinforce the main activity. In addition, be sure to include elements that will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom. Self-Reflection: 50 points For each element of your activity plan, explain how this element will help students learn about science and contribute to their development

Please use attachment to complete assignment

You are a teacher at a childcare center  for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “The  Environment.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at  home.

Focus Assignment: 50 points

Create a science activity plan for this age group that focuses on the  environment. Be sure to provide a description of the activity you plan  to carry out, the child outcomes, the space and materials needed, the  procedures you will follow, and any follow-up activities that may help  reinforce the main activity. In addition, be sure to include elements  that will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the  classroom.

Self-Reflection: 50 points

  1. For each element of your activity plan, explain how this  element will help students learn about science and contribute to their  development

Week 5 Assignment

Week 5 Assignment

Your task this week is to write a research paper that contains the following:

  • Define service-oriented architecture. Explain how service-oriented architecture works.
  • Explain how webpages differ from web services.
  • Discuss what it means for a web service to be interoperable.

Research Paper Requirements: 

  • Paper should be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Assignment must be submitted by the due date (Saturday, 11:59 p.m. EST).  Late assignments will not be accepted.
  • Use Times New Roman, size 12 font throughout the paper.
  • Apply APA 7th edition style and include three major sections: the Title Page, Main Body, and References. See the Paper Elements and Format section of your APA manual for details.
  • A minimum of two scholarly journal articles (besides your textbook) are required. See UC Library Tutorials.
  • Writing should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the materials and address all required elements.
  • Writing should use exceptional language that skillfully communicates meaning to the readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free.
  • Save as a Word document.

MSE 345 Spring 2024

MSE 345 Spring 2024
Homework 2:
Due Monday Feb 12th
Question 1: (Lecture 4&5)
Nitrous oxide (N2O) behaves as an ideal gas and has a heat capacity at constant pressure CP = 38.6
J/K∙mol. 4.2 moles of N2O initially at 298 K are heated at constant pressure until a final temperature of
358 K is reached.
(a) Calculate the enthalpy change of N2O during that process.
(b) Calculate the heat transfer Q during that process.
(c) Calculate the work W performed during that process.
(d) Calculate the change in internal energy ΔUduring that process.
Question 2: (Lecture 4&5)
Ar gas behaves as a perfect gas and has a heat capacity at constant volume CV = 2.5∙R J/K∙mol.
(a) Calculate the final pressure when 3 moles of Ar gas initially held at 1.4 atm and 265 K are heated
reversibly to 345 K at constant volume.
(b) Calculate the change in internal energy ΔUduring that process.
(c) Calculate the heat transfer Q during that process.
(d) Calculate the work W performed during that process.
Question 3: (Lecture 4,5,6,7)
3.1 moles of ideal gas undergo an expansion from V1 = 1.2 m3 to V2 =1.7 m3 during an isothermal process
taking place at T = 25°C. Calculate ΔU, ΔH, Q, W when the expansion takes place in the following
conditions: (for a perfect gas U is a function of T only)
(a) A reversible expansion.
(b) A rapid non-reversible expansion against a constant surrounding pressure equal to the final
pressure of the gas.
(c) A free expansion where the gas expands in vacuum against zero external pressure.
Question 4: (Lecture 4&5)
A chlorinated hydrocarbon vapor has a CP which varies with temperature according to CP (J/K∙mol) =
20.17 + 0.3665×T. The vapor behaves as an ideal gas in the range 0°C to 300°C.
(a) Calculate ΔU, ΔH, Q, W when the temperature of 1.00 mole of the gas is raised from 25°C to
200°C reversibly at constant pressure.
(b) Derive ΔU, W, Q when the temperature of 1.00 mole of the gas is raised from 25°C to 200°C
reversibly at constant volume.

Test Development Psychological Construct

Psychometrics is a broad term used to define the theory behind the use and practice of psychological assessments. Psychological assessments comprise the measurement of psychological constructs and how that information is used in a clinical setting to help formulate the clinical case and make treatment decisions. Psychometrics is also used in a forensic setting to answer questions about a person involved in the legal system, such as criminal prosecution or for a civil matter (e.g., custody dispute). Data from psychological assessments is also used to improve efficiency and overall functioning in an organizational setting

Sample Exam

Section 1: Matching Questions – Design Patterns (30 marks)


There are FIFTEEN QUESTIONS in this section, each worth TWO MARKS. In each question, you will be presented with a description of a design pattern, and you need to indicate which pattern it describes. For your reference, a list of the Gang of Four design patterns follows:


Abstract Factory Adapter Bridge
Builder Chain of Responsibility Command
Composite Decorator Façade
Factory Method Flyweight Interpreter
Iterator Mediator Memento
Observer Prototype Proxy
Singleton State Strategy
Template Method Visitor  


  1. Which design pattern is used to ensure that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it?


  1. Which design pattern involves defining a family of interchangeable algorithms?
  2. Which design pattern can also be referred to as a publish-subscribe system?
  3. If you wanted to assign additional behaviours to an object WITHOUT making changes to that object’s class, which design pattern might be appropriate?
  4. Which design pattern is used to provide a simplified interface to a complex system of classes, libraries, or frameworks?
  5. If you have some domain knowledge that enables you to outline the skeleton of an algorithm, which design pattern would enable you to encode this knowledge?
  6. Which design pattern encapsulates the traversal behaviour for a collection of objects?
  7. Which design pattern most accurately reflects this pattern of behaviour: “I don’t know, but I can ask my manager.”
  8. If you would like to treat objects and collections of objects using the same interface, which design pattern should you employ?
  9. Which of the creational design patterns is most appropriate for facilitating the creation of a variety of complex objects?
  10. Which design pattern encapsulates object creation in such a way that objects can be created without calls to a specific constructor?
  11. Which design pattern is most closely associated with the clone() method?
  12. Which design pattern would you use if you wanted to apply access control to an object?
  13. Which design pattern is best described by the following: turn a function call into an object?
  14. If you can describe a family of problems with a “little language”, what design pattern might you employ to solve these problems?



Section 2: Multiple Choice – Code smells and refactoring (30 marks)


There are FIFTEEN QUESTIONS in this section, each worth TWO MARKS. Each question will be followed by FOUR CHOICES, of which only ONE is correct. Select only ONE response for each question.


Question 1: Which of the following best describes a code smell?

  1. a) An unpleasant odor emitted by malfunctioning hardware
    b) Indications of poor code design or implementation
    c) A metaphorical term used in code documentation
    d) The physical deterioration of code over time

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT considered a common code smell?

  1. a) Duplicated code
    b) Long parameter lists
    c) Consistent naming conventions
    d) Large classes or methods

Question 3: Refactoring is best described as…

  1. a) Rewriting an entire software system from scratch
    b) A process of making incremental improvements to code
    c) A technique for obfuscating code to protect intellectual property
    d) Debugging and fixing errors in existing code

Question 4: Which of the following is an example of a code smell related to duplication?

  1. a) Long methods or functions
    b) Consistent variable naming conventions
    c) Modular code with clear responsibilities
    d) Copy-pasting the same code in multiple places

Question 5: Which refactoring technique is used to break down large methods into smaller, more manageable ones?

  1. a) Extract Method
    b) Inline Method
    c) Rename Method
    d) Pull Up Method

Question 6: The code smell “long class” refers to

  1. a) A class that exceeds a certain line limit
    b) A class that lacks proper indentation
    c) A class with no instance variables or methods
    d) A class that has excessive dependencies on other classes

Question 7: What is the purpose of refactoring?

  1. a) To introduce bugs and errors into the code
    b) To add new features and functionality to the code
    c) To improve the internal structure and quality of the code
    d) To rewrite the code entirely for performance optimization



Question 8: Which refactoring technique is used to extract a group of related methods and fields into a new class?

  1. a) Extract Class
    b) Extract Interface
    c) Extract Superclass
    d) Extract Variable

Question 9: Which of the following is a code smell related to maintainability?

  1. a) Inconsistent naming conventions
    b) Adequate unit test coverage
    c) Utilizing design patterns effectively
    d) Utilizing the appropriate data structures

Question 10: Which code smell refers to a method or function that has too many parameters?

  1. a) Long method
    b) Feature envy
    c) Shotgun surgery
    d) Long parameter list

Question 11: Which code smell refers to duplicate or nearly identical code in different parts of the system?

  1. a) Shotgun surgery
    b) Duplicated code
    c) Long class
    d) Magic number

Question 12: Which refactoring technique aims to combine multiple methods into a single one?

  1. a) Extract Method
    b) Inline Method
    c) Extract Class
    d) Inline Class

Question 13: What is a code smell related to a class that has too many responsibilities or methods?

  1. a) Long parameter list
    b) Feature envy
    c) Shotgun surgery
    d) Large class

Question 14: Which code smell refers to the use of a constant value without a clear explanation or context?

  1. a) Magic number
    b) Shotgun surgery
    c) Data clumps
    d) Long method

Question 15: What code smell occurs when a class is dependent on too many other classes or modules?

  1. a) Divergent change
    b) Shotgun surgery
    c) Large class
    d) Feature envy

Section 3: Short Answer – Object oriented programming principles (30 marks)


Name (2 marks each) and define (3 marks each) the four core principles of object-oriented programming.















What are some benefits of object-oriented software design, compared to other software design methodologies? Use the four core principles to guide your discussion. (10 marks)



Section 4: Short Answer – Design Patterns (30 marks)


There are FIVE QUESTIONS in this section, each worth SIX MARKS. In each question, I will suggest to you a combination of two or more design patterns. In the space below, describe a situation in which you might use those design patterns in combination (2 marks), and briefly describe what role each pattern would play in solving that problem (2 marks each).

Question 1: Composite and Iterator



Question 2: Command and Memento



Question 3: Abstract Factory and Singleton


Question 4: State and Flyweight



Question 5: Observer and Mediator


Edu 602 Writing

Create one formative assessment for students without disabilities with no more than 10 test items. Use the SAME assessment that incorporates accommodations for students with disabilities (must use a minimum of three disabilities identified in the instructions for Part 3 of your final lesson plan – see appendix B). You will have a total of four assessments. You MAY use these assessments as part of your Part 3 Final Project lesson plan

Edu 602 Behavior Plan

Review how to create behavior plans (you created one in EDU506).  You may NOT re-use the behavior plan from EDU506 for this assignment (this assignment will be checked with Turnitin), but you may use it to refresh your memory on the various elements of an effective plan.

Describe a hypothetical class of your own design and creation. Include in your description a listing of the number of students with the specific learning issues listed below.  Select two hypothetical students from your class and identify a specific behavioral issue you want to address (must be different for each student).  Develop a specific behavior plan for each student designed to address the identified behavioral needs and issues based on the presenting problem.  See Appendix B for specific details and scoring rubric.

Possible Behavioral Issues:

  • Aggression (physical and/or verbal)
  • Refusal to work
  • Inability to focus
  • Can’t sit still
  • Sleeps in class
  • Argumentative

Counseling Theory- Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper

Behavior Therapy or Cognitive Behavior therapy


Required Assignments (RAs) are substantive assignments intended to measure student performance against selected course objectives and/or program outcomes within a course. RAs are completed by all students across all Argosy University campuses and delivery formats without exception.

Each RA contributes to a significant portion of the overall course grade and is assessed by faculty using the grading criteria designed for that assignment. These are individual assignments and students earn individual grades. Required Assignment: Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper 300 pts

Description of RA: From what you have learned in this course, select a theoretical perspective that interests you the most. In this assignment, you will conduct a literature search on that theoretical approach and develop a personalized plan for your continued development.

Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper Review the literature and construct a paper presenting and supporting your personal counseling theoretical preference (choosing from the major theories studied in this course). You should conduct a computerized literature search on the particular theoretical approach that feels like the best fit. Remember to select a theory that aligns with your worldview and your perspective of the best therapeutic relationship. References should be from empirical/scholarly works that support and further define the position. You should include the following in your paper:

• Summarize the fundamental elements of your theory of choice, including definitions of important terms, personality development, and major historical figures associated with the theory.

• Explain how your personal worldview (e.g. core beliefs about others and the world) connects to the theory of choice. • Explain how the therapeutic relationship aligns with your interpersonal style.

• Discuss how your theory of choice addresses the multicultural nature of our diverse society.

• Present support for the effectiveness of your chosen theoretical approach by examining and analyzing the existing efficacy-based research. Include findings across age groups, gender, and/or multicultural groups.

• Discuss limitations of your chosen therapeutic approach, including any clients or presenting problems for which it may not be appropriate. Support your ideas with findings from existing research on the approach.

• Identify the ethical standards from the American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics (2014) that apply to the use of an approach determined to be unsuitable for a particular group or presenting problem. Discuss the potential harm that could be caused by applying an unsuitable approach. Spring 1 – 2018

• Provide an example of how you would apply a minimum of two specific theoretical techniques to a fictitious client’s need.

• Provide a plan for how you will continue to develop your knowledge and skills related to that theory.

Your final deliverable will be a Word document, approximately 8-10 pages in length, utilizing a minimum of 7 scholarly references. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA format.


CACREP Standards: 2.F.5.a, 5.C.1.a, 5.C.1.b, 2.F.5.g, 2.F.5.h, 2.F.5.j, 5.C.3.b, 2.F.5.n, 2.F.2.c,

5.C.2.c, 2.F.1.i, 5.C.2.l

Theoretical Summary:   Summarize the fundamental elements of your theory of choice, including   definitions of important terms, personality development, and major historical   figures associated with the theory.

Summary clearly states all critical elements of the theory of choice.   All relevant technical terms are defined, theoretical understanding of   personality development is described, and the importance of each historical   figure is clearly and accurately stated. /40   pts.


Personal Worldview: Explain how your personal worldview connects   to the theory of choice.

Correlation between the   student’s worldview and the theory of choice is clearly stated. The effect of   the worldview towards the use of the theory is appropriate. /20   pts.


Interpersonal Style: Explain how the   therapeutic relationship described in your theory of choice aligns with your   interpersonal style.

Correlation   between important aspects of the therapeutic relationship and the student’s   interpersonal style is clearly stated. How the student’s interpersonal style   would be appropriate or be a challenge is clearly stated. /20   pts.


Cultural and

Developmental Considerations: Discuss how your   theory of choice addresses the multicultural nature of our diverse society   and individual developmental needs.

The effect of the theory   towards a variety of clients is accurate and clearly stated. /38   pts.


Theoretical Strengths: Present   research findings in support of the effectiveness of your chosen theoretical   approach.

Findings   are presented of at least one peer-reviewed, efficacy study on the chosen   theoretical approach. /30   pts.


Theoretical Limitations: Present   research findings related to the limitations of your chosen theoretical   approach.

Findings   are presented of at least one peer-reviewed study examining the limitations   of the chosen approach. /30   pts.


Ethical Considerations: Identify at   least two ethical standards from the ACA Code of Ethics that address the   inappropriate use of an approach or technique. Discuss specific, potential   harmful effects of doing so.

At   least two relevant ethical standards are identified, defined, and applied to   the potential misapplication of a technique or approach. At least two examples of potential harmful   effects are identified. /30   pts.


Technique Application: Provide an   example of how you would apply a minimum of two

specifically theoretical   techniques to a fictitious client’s need.

The   description of implementation correctly aligns with each theory. Specific   needs of the client are addressed, and the description of how each theory   addresses the specific needs is clear and accurate. /54   pts.


Plan for Development:   Describe how you will continue to develop your knowledge and skills related   to the selected theory.

The   plan includes details and specific resources that will be accessed and   utilized to increase and enhance knowledge and skills related to the theory   of choice. /10   pts.


Academic Writing

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical   scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA);   and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Written   in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship   in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and   displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly   sources aligns with specified assignment requirements. /28   pts.

Human Services Values Resources


Reflect on the human services values described in this unit’s reading in An Introduction to Human Services, addressing the following:

  • Which human services value is the most difficult for you to practice? Include an example of a situation that encompasses that value and why it would be difficult for you to use it.
  • Which human services value is the most important to you and why?
  • How might your understanding of the values that guide practice help you determine your future professional development needs?

Human Services Values Resources

Human Services Values


Reflect on the human services values described in this unit’s reading in An Introduction to Human Services, addressing the following:

  • Which human services value is the most difficult for you to practice? Include an example of a situation that encompasses that value and why it would be difficult for you to use it.
  • Which human services value is the most important to you and why?
  • How might your understanding of the values that guide practice help you determine your future professional development needs?