Cj 334 Study Guide Note This Guide Is Meant As A Way To Structure Your Preparation F 2601131

CJ 334: Study Guide Note- This guide is meant as a way to structure your preparation for the exam. Most of the questions will come from the topics covered below. That said, there may be a couple of questions that are pulled directly from the text and are not covered explicitly in this guide, so please review all material assigned during the course! You have 90 minutes for the exam, so this should allow plenty of time to research the materials. We spent time discussing the importance of developing the right culture in the workplace – be familiar with those cultural dynamics tied to reduced fraud activity. What are some of the primary characteristics of fraud committed by managers? And of the crimes managers commit, which ones tend to be organizationallyfocused (versus individually-focused?) Be familiar with both the primary elements of the fraud triangle (in terms of the conditions which produce fraud), and the common elements of a fraud act itself What are some common red flags associated with financial statement fraud? What are some of the characteristics of larceny/employee theft, and how might they be different from other organizational frauds (such as statement manipulation)? Document Preview:

CJ 334: Study Guide Note- This guide is meant as a way to structure your preparation for the exam. Most of the questions will come from the topics covered below. That said, there may be a couple of questions that are pulled directly from the text and are not covered explicitly in this guide, so please review all material assigned during the course! You have 90 minutes for the exam, so this should allow plenty of time to research the materials. We spent time discussing the importance of developing the right culture in the workplace – be familiar with those cultural dynamics tied to reduced fraud activity. What are some of the primary characteristics of fraud committed by managers? And of the crimes managers commit, which ones tend to be organizationally-focused (versus individually-focused?) Be familiar with both the primary elements of the fraud triangle (in terms of the conditions which produce fraud), and the common elements of a fraud act itself What are some common red flags associated with financial statement fraud? What are some of the characteristics of larceny/employee theft, and how might they be different from other organizational frauds (such as statement manipulation)? What are the primary forms of identity theft discussed, and what are some risk mitigators to reduce the chance of being victimized? Related to this, how is the Internet (and similar technologies) changing the tactics used to facilitate fraud? What actions do the Bankruptcy Codes criminalize, related to our discussion of Bankruptcy fraud? Familiarize yourself with the legal processes used in criminal and/or civil cases, such as pleads, remedy, admission, and discovery. What would be a good way to explain how consumer fraud differs from organizational fraud? Be familiar with the major investigative agencies at the federal level (falling under the DOJ umbrella) with domain responsibilities for fraud. What are some of the differences…

