Compare And Contrast The Internal And External Environment Of Strategic Management P 2803484

“Compare and contrast the internal and external environment of strategic management process. How do you think internal and external environment is related to the industrial organisation model and resource based model of above average returns”

Your essay should address the following sub topics.

a) Introduction – purpose of the assignment

b) Literature oninternal and external environment

c) Similarities-internal and external environment

d) Differences-internal and external environment

e) Relationship between the business environment and models

f) Conclusion

g) References.

*Also keep in mind the marking rubric. Pay attention to each criteria as per the rubric. Methodology would be secondary sources.

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HYPERLINK “” o “Assignment 1” Assignment 1: You are required to answer the following question in an essay form (2000 words):  “Compare and contrast the internal and external environment of strategic management process.  How do you think internal and external environment is related to the industrial organisation model and resource based model of above average returns”  Your essay should address the following sub topics.  a)      Introduction – purpose of the assignment b)      Literature on internal and external environment c)      Similarities- internal and external environment d)     Differences- internal and external environment e)      Relationship between the business environment and models f)       Conclusion g)      References.                                         *Also keep in mind the marking rubric. Pay attention to each criteria as per the rubric. Methodology would be secondary sources.

