Compare And Contrast The Rate Of Beer Consumption In Australia With Any Country Of Y 3382759

1. Compare and contrast the rate of beer consumption in Australia with any country of your choice. What would be the best measure to use to make effective comparisons?
2. What explains the differences in beer consumption in Australia vs. the other country that you picked in Q1?
3. Explain the price elasticity of beer demand in Australia, what factors affect this level of elasticity?
4. Draw and label fully a supply and demand curve diagram to explain how an excise tax affects the market of beer.
5. Explain the idea of cost versus benefit when making decisions about drinking alcohol for an individual and for the society or economy in general. Use this idea to analyse why the government wishes to reduce the rate of beer consumption.
6. Describe and evaluate the various policies over the years (other than a tax) that the Australian governments have enacted in order to reduce alcohol consumption.
Use a combination of material from online sources to answer the above questions.
Labour market
1. What is the meaning of the term real wage growth?
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Unit Code: ECO 100 PIA Unit Title: Principles of Economics AssessmentTitle: Assessment Task Individual or group task (no more than 4 people per group) Do not submit your assignment through turn-it-in Type of Assessment: Written Due date: Week 11, (17th September 2019) Word count: as required but no more than 1500 words Answer all of the questions below. Each question is worth 5 marks. This gives a total of 50 converted to a mark out of 20. The assessment contributes towards 30% of your overall mark. 20% for the handed in assignment (in class in week 11) and 10% from an in-class test on the content of the assignment, (held in class in week 12 (24th September 2019) starting at 2pm). Market for beer 1. Compare and contrast the rate of beer consumption in Australia with any country of your choice. What would be the best measure to use to make effective comparisons? 2. What explains the differences in beer consumption in Australia vs. the other country that you picked in Q1? 3. Explain the price elasticity of beer demand in Australia, what factors affect this level of elasticity? 4. Draw and label fully a supply and demand curve diagram to explain how an excise tax affects the market of beer. 5. Explain the idea of cost versus benefit when making decisions about drinking alcohol for an individual and for the society or economy in general. Use this idea to analyse why the government wishes to reduce the rate of beer consumption. 6. Describe and evaluate the various policies over the years (other than a tax) that the Australian governments have enacted in order to reduce alcohol consumption. Use a combination of material from online sources to answer the above questions. Labour market 1. What is the meaning of the term real wage growth? 2. Compare the level of real wage growth in Australia vs United States. Summarise the trend in last 10 years? 3. Discuss the current minimum wage laws in Australia. Use supply and demand diagrams to analysis the…

