Complexity Of Language 818585

In a way, computer science is an endeavour to transcribe human thought and natural language into somethinga machine can understand. Whether the intentions are to develop humanistic automatons, organise millions ofbits of data or create an immersive video game experience, each example is an effort to tell a computer to dosomething the developer wants it to do. Of course, by now you know simply ‘telling’ a computer in naturallanguage is impossible (by current technological standards) because natural language is, by its nature,ambiguous.What is most curious about this ambiguity in language, is while you understand the concept, you may havenot spent time truly analysing the complexity such ambiguity entails. For this HandInAssignment, you willanalyse the inherent complexities in natural language, identifying and breaking down situations where thequestion ‘Do you know what time it is?’ has different meanings.To prepare for this Assignment:Review your Weekly Learning Resources with a focus on the problems of understanding naturallanguages (as opposed to formal programming languages).Research the ambiguities of natural languages and how the same words can have different meanings indifferent contexts (e.g., culturally, situationally, etc.).Identify situations where the question ‘Do you know what time it is?’ has different meanings.Identify at least two other common phrases with meanings that change based on context.To complete this Assignment:Submit a 23paragraph paper in which you address the following:Analyse the question, ‘Do you have the time?’ and the potential meanings it has in situations youidentified.Explain why and how the meaning of the question changes.Summarise at least two other common phrases with meanings that change based on context. Explainwhy and how these other phrases have changing meanings as well.Fully state and justify any choices, assumptions or claims that you make using the suggested LearningResources for this Week and/or your own research.Your document should have 23paragraphs (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of theanswer that matters, not the number of words. Cite and reference all sources use the Harvard LiverpoolReferencing System.

