Compose A 1000 Words Essay On Afghanistan And The U S Military Mission There Nee

Compose a 1000 words essay on Afghanistan and the U.S. military mission there. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Lingering doubts are due to the constant inability of the US forces to maintain peace, control drug production or strengthen the US supported fragile government in Afghanistan. All these problems have been compounded for McChrystal by a crisis of confidence among Afghans (Holmes 2009).

When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union, he inherited a deteriorating war in Afghanistan (Coll 2009). Gradually though, he planned an exit from the country. Somehow, the circumstances are similar under which President Obama assumed the office. To consolidate this thinking he even announced that US military will plan the exit in eighteen months from now. If this happens than the question remains that whether American Army would have achieved by then which it initially claimed before entering into Afghanistan? Or history will once again repeat itself.

US interests in Afghanistan is now almost three decades old. After all, the humiliating defeat mighty USSR faced at the hands of Afghan Mujahidin could not have been possible without the military and financial aid from US (Hanks 2007). Yet, Americans could not make much room in the hearts of Afghans as they left them completely on their own, after using them as front line state to defeat communism. But little did they know that they will have to get back there, and this time not only with their finances but also with human resources. 9/11 attacks proved as a reason or rather justification for the American government to enter in to Afghanistan and uproot the Taliban government which had provided a safe harbor to Usama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. October 7 of the year 2001, will be marked as the day which changed the history for Afghans, Americans and consequently for the world. US army started their invasion then and by the November 12th of the same year Kabul had been conquered. Since then US has deployed almost 65000 soldiers in Afghanistan (Mann 2009), and the number will further increase to 30,000 as per the latest plans