Computer Science Assignment Linked Lists 2816258

The is singly-linked list and do thedoubly-linked list, follow the pdf.note: Do it in C and just give thedlist.netid.h anddlist.netid.c file,
Submit the following to Blackboard: (1) a file dlist.netid.h containing just the DListNode definition and the declartions of the six functions for DListNodes (2) a file dlist.netid.c containing just the implementations of the six functions for DListNodes You should NOT include the test functions. Document Preview:

CS 201 Assignment One: Linked ListsAssignment is due Friday, Sept. 21st, at 11:59 pm.Do this development on the machine kaladin.cems.uvm.eduThis will require you to ssh to kaladin.cems.uvm.eduPart II: doubly-linked listDefine this structure:typedef struct dlistStruct { int data; struct dlistStruct *next; struct dlistStruct *prev;} DListNode;Implement these functions:void printList(DListNode *theList);/* print the list items from head to tail */void printListReverse(DListNode *theList);/* print the list items from tail to head */int insertAtEnd(DListNode **theList, int data);/* return zero if successful */int insertSorted(DListNode **theList, int data);/* return zero if successful */int isInList(DListNode *theList, int data);/* return non-zero value if the value is in the list; otherwise return zero */int deleteFromList(DListNode **theList, int data);/* if the value isn’t in the list, then do nothing and return non-zero value; otherwise delete all listnodes matching the data from the list and return zero */Implement and use these functions to test your implementation of the doubly-linked list:void test_1D() { DListNode *theList; int i; theList = NULL; for (i=1; i=0; i=i-2) { if ( isInList(theList, i) ) { deleteFromList(&theList, i); } printList(theList); // should get 1 3 5 7 9}void test_2D() { DListNode *theList; int i; theList = NULL; for (i=1; i

