Consider That A Journalist Wants To Create A Simple Database For Covering The 2010 1592512

Consider that a journalist wants to create a simple database for covering the 2010 Tour de France cycling race. The race consists of a number of stages identified by a starting and destination city. Each stage is completed on a single date, and goes over a specific number of kilometers. Riders (first name, last name, and date of birth, which together are unique) are employed by a team which is identified by a name and is managed by the team boss. The team boss is not a rider and is identified by his/her name. Each team is led by a team leader who himself/herself is also a rider. A team needs to have at least one rider to enroll in the race. Each rider must belong to one and only one team in the race. No two teams are allowed to have the same boss. Riders participate in a number of stages (not necessarily all, as they could give up after a number of days) and it is possible that a rider is absent from all stages. It is also possible that there are not any riders participating in a stage. Document Preview:

CSC3400 & CSC8500 { Database Systems Assignment 3 Page 1Database ModellingAnswer the following questions in a word processing document, export the doc-ument as a PDF ?le, and submit via the course web site.Question 1.12 marksConsider that a journalist wants to create a simple database for covering the2010 Tour de France cycling race. The race consists of a number of stagesidenti?edbyastartinganddestinationcity. Eachstageiscompletedonasingledate, and goes over a speci?c number of kilometers.Riders (?rst name, last name, and date of birth, which together are unique) areemployed by a team which is identi?ed by a name and is managed by the teamboss. The team boss is not a rider and is identi?ed by his/her name. Each teamis led by a team leader who himself/herself is also a rider. A team needs to haveat least one rider to enroll in the race. Each rider must belong to one and onlyone team in the race. No two teams are allowed to have the same boss. Ridersparticipateinanumberofstages(notnecessarilyall, astheycouldgiveupaftera number of days) and it is possible that a rider is absent from all stages. It isalso possible that there are not any riders participating in a stage.For each stage that a rider participates in, his total time spent from start to?nish is recorded. Stages are either Mountain, Flat, or Team Time Trial stages.There are no other kinds of stages. For mountain stages the database keepstrack of the grade (= di?culty level), the number of mountains in it, and thebest climber (a rider). For a ?at stage we record the number of intermediatesprints. For a team time trial we record which team won the stage.For the information of the Best Climber of Mountain Stage and the WinningTeam of TeamTimeTrial Stage, please model them as attributes instead of re-lationships.(a) Draw an Entity-Relationship diagram for this database using UML nota-tion. Be sure to include all the entities mentioned above, together withattributes (including…

