Critically Analyse Manage And Present In Meaningful Ways Information 3119474

Data Structure and Algorithms
Unit Code: BIT 204/B01DSAA204
Type of Assessment: Individual
Written Assignment Length/Duration: 2000 words Course Learning Outcomes addressed: 1a. To gather, critically analyse, manage and present in meaningful ways information and data 4a. To monitor, research and interpret the fast changing and global world of information technology in terms of hardware, networks, software, and tools Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version: as at 9th November, 2017 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: a. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of data structures and algorithms; b. Demonstrate reasoning about efficiency of algorithms; c. Assess and apply suitable recursive data structures and algorithms to IT systems and applications Document Preview:

ASSESSMENT BRIEF COURSE: Bachelor of IT Unit: Data Structure and Algorithms Unit Code: BIT 204/B01DSAA204 Type of Assessment: Individual Written Assignment 2000 Length/Duration: words 1a. To gather, critically analyse, manage and present in meaningful ways information and data 4a. To monitor, research and interpret the fast changing and global world of information technology in terms of hardware, networks, software, and tools Course Learning Outcomes addressed: Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 thVersion: as at 9 November, 2017 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051a. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of data structures and algorithms; b. Demonstrate reasoning about efficiency of algorithms; c. Assess and apply suitable recursive data structures Unit Learning and algorithms to IT systems and applications Outcomes addressed: Submission Date: Week 12 The assessment is about the design of a system using appropriate data structures and algorithms. Assessment Task: E.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 2 mark penalty . Student Policies and Forms ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: This assessment is an individual report. You are required to design a library system for Kent Institute. Assume that there are: ? two campuses – Sydney and Melbourne ? 300 VET level students ? 400 Higher Education students ? 20 professional staff and 40 academic staff You need to decide how many books, journals, DVDs or other…

