Critically Review Extant Knowledge In A Disciplinary Area For The Identification Of 2871753

Analyse the various approaches to business and social research and the difference between
primary and secondary research
b. Critically review extant knowledge in a disciplinary area for the identification of
researchable problems
c. Understand and justify the use of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
d. Investigate a range of data collection methods and tools
e. Conceptually map the research process, developing a defensible framework for proposed
f. Evaluate the ways management research may be written and disseminated
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ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW BRH606: Business Research for Hoteliers -Term 1 2019 B B B BR R R RH H H H6 6 6 60 0 0 06 6 6 6:::: R R R Re e e es s s se e e ea a a ar r r rc c c ch h h h M M M Me e e et tt th h h ho o o od d d ds s s s ffffo o o or r r r H H H Ho o o ot tt te e e elllliiiie e e er r r rs s s s U U U Un n n niiiit tt t L L L Le e e ea a a ar r r rn n n niiiin n n ng g g g O O O Ou u u ut tt tc c c co o o om m m me e e es s s s a. Analyse the various approaches to business and social research and the difference between primary and secondary research b. Critically review extant knowledge in a disciplinary area for the identification of researchable problems c. Understand and justify the use of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis d. Investigate a range of data collection methods and tools e. Conceptually map the research process, developing a defensible framework for proposed research f. Evaluate the ways management research may be written and disseminated A As ss se es ss sm me en ntt S Su um mm ma ar ry y A As ss se es ss sm me en ntt S Su um mm ma ar ry y Students must complete all assessments for successful completion of the subject. A A A As s s ss s s se e e es s s ss s s sm m m me e e en n n nt tt t t tt ty y y yp p p pe e e e W W W We e e eiiiig g g gh h h ht tt tiiiin n n ng g g g D D D Du u u ue e e e D D D Da a a at tt te e e e L L L Le e e ea a a ar r r rn n n niiiin n n ng g g g o o o ou u u ut tt tc c c co o o om m m me e e es s s s Defence of Research Project 20% a, b, c, d, e, f, g Session 6 IIIIn n n nd d d diiiiv v v viiiid d d du u u ua a a allll ((((1 1 1 10 0 0 0- – – -m m m miiiin n n nu u u ut tt te e e e p p p pr r r re e e es s s se e e en n n nt tt ta a a at tt tiiiio o o on n n n)))) Research Proposal 80% Session 10 a, b, c, d, e, f, g 2,000-word Business Orientated Literature Review 1,000-word Research Methodology…

