Ddress The Issues Questions Below For Williams Sonoma Inc Wsm 2261272

When answering the questions, the work that you submit for grading must be your work. Any plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the exam. If you have questions, please consult with the instructor. The evaluation of the work, especially the qualitative questions depends on the organization of the material and the depth of the answers. The quantitative questions should show the computations/process not just an answer.
1. In the context of this course, you will be asked to address the issues/questions below for Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (WSM), www.williams-sonomainc.com When addressing the issues/questions, be sure to do so in the context of this course and Williams-Sonoma. You have been appointed as the special assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, Laura Alber, who has asked you to address the following five situations:
(2 pts) a) A fellow MBA alum from Lynn University, who now works in Admission at Lynn University would like to give each MBA student a benefit, which is programmed into the Lynn University ID card. This benefit would allow the student to buy a stainless-steel essential pan for Document Preview:

MBA 640 Exam 2 Spring 2, 2017 Name____________________________________ When answering the questions, the work that you submit for grading must be your work. Any plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the exam. If you have questions, please consult with the instructor. The evaluation of the work, especially the qualitative questions depends on the organization of the material and the depth of the answers. The quantitative questions should show the computations/process not just an answer. 1.In the context of this course, you will be asked to address the issues/questions below for Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (WSM), HYPERLINK “http://www.williams-sonomainc.com” www.williams-sonomainc.com When addressing the issues/questions, be sure to do so in the context of this course and Williams-Sonoma. You have been appointed as the special assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, Laura Alber, who has asked you to address the following five situations: (2 pts) a) A fellow MBA alum from Lynn University, who now works in Admission at Lynn University would like to give each MBA student a benefit, which is programmed into the Lynn University ID card. This benefit would allow the student to buy a stainless-steel essential pan for $125. Normally the pan sells for $160 and its full cost is $130. Discuss if this would be feasible, i.e. Williams-Sonoma is able to do this transaction without it being a donation. (2 pts) b) Williams-Sonoma currently buys many of its items from a manufacturer in China. A representative from a company in Malaysia is offering to sell them for 15% less than cost from the manufacturer in China. Discuss the issues that you would consider in deciding whether to accept this offer. (10 pts) c) Ms. Alber wishes to develop an incentive plan for the store managers. Before the plan is implemented, she wishes you to make sure that budgeting …

