Dentify Any Specialized Hardware Requirements That Must Be Purchased Or Upgraded Pri 2841001

The purpose of the System Requirements document is to specify the overall system requirements that will govern the development and implementation of the system. The document will also establish initial security, training, capacity and system architecture requirements, as well as, system acceptance criteria agreed upon be the project sponsor and key stakeholders. Section 2 General System Requirements 2.1 Major System Capabilities

  1. The Software will be available on both Windows and Mac Os.
  2. The Software will help in querying the patents listed by the patent search tool.
  3. The Software will output a report of the search made and compare all the search filters as required.
  4. System needs to have internet access to get the data from patent search tool.
  5. Software should be able to compare any two reports offline.

2.2 Major System Conditions

  1. System must use the FDOT Enterprise GIS Framework
  2. System must use FDOT Enterprise Document Management System
  3. System must output a report of the comparison of the existing and new product
  4. System must search through the database and show related or existing patents

2.3 System Interfaces

  1. The GUI should have a drag and drop place to compare a new and old patent records
  2. The GUI should have a export option to export the results
  3. GUI should show the internet connection and pop up connection error when there is one

2.4 System User Characteristics Identify each type of user of the system by function, location, and type of device. Specify the number of users in each group and the nature of their use of the system.

  1. The system will be mainly used by the Program managers so that they can research about upcoming project
  2. The system will be used to Lawyers to check for the patent infringements
  3. The system will be used by team leaders to update and check for existing patents to use in the product

Section 3 Policy and Regulation Requirements Specify relevant applicable laws, regulations, policies, and standards that will affect the operation and performance of the system, as well as any relevant external regulatory requirements, or constraints imposed by normal business practices. 3.1 Policy Requirements 1. The tool must have 2 different parts, one which can be accessed by everyone (the patent search tool). The second part was to have a secure patent search database to search only the internal listings Section 4 Security Requirements The tool must have 2 different parts, one which can be accessed by everyone (the patent search tool). The second part was to have a secure patent search database to search only the internal listings Section 5 Training Requirements A training video would be made explaining all the different users use cases. Each user will be given access a different training video. Section 6 Initial Capacity Requirements Specify the initial capacity requirements for the system. An initial estimation can be established using current data amounts, planned number of users, and estimated number of transactions.

  1. Identifies the highest and lowest estimated number of transactions and processing frequency expected usage (including any seasonal peaks) for capacity planning for storage and memory requirements for the application or project. Identifies the highest and lowest estimated number of transactions and processing frequency expected usage (including any seasonal peaks) for capacity planning for storage and memory requirements for the application or project.

Section 7 Initial System Architecture
Specify the data platform, hardware, software, programming languages, tools and operating system requirements for the application or project.

  1. Identify any specialized hardware requirements that must be purchased or upgraded prior to development, or in support of the implementation, of the application or project.
  2. Identify any specialized software requirements that must be purchased or upgraded prior to development, or in support of the implementation, of the application or project.
  3. Identify any programming languages and tools selected for the development of the application or project.
  4. Identify any network/operating system or combination of network/operating systems that will be used for the development of the application of project.

Section 8 System Acceptance Criteria Specify the general system acceptance criteria specified and agreed upon by the project sponsor and key stakeholders that will be used to accept the final end product. For example:

  • New system must run in parallel with current production system for 10 months
  • 3 years of data must be in system (conversion implied) on day one

BUSINESS REQUIREMENT 1.Visual studio Subscription for the Developers [HIGH] 2.Patent Search Tool [HIGH] 3.SharePoint site for software distribution [Medium] 4.ReSharper Subscription [LOW]

