Design And Development Of A 3 Tier Enterprise Application You Will Practise To Work 4135313

This assignment is a team-based software development project. You will work in a small team for the
design and development of a 3-tier enterprise application. You will practise to work collaboratively
and communicate effectively as part of a productive team.
You will need to negotiate with your fellow students to form a team of at least 2 students and at
most 3 students; each team needs to elect a team leader. The online students will be facilitated by
the unit coordinator to form teams.
Warning: the teamwork (including forming a team) of this assignment is compulsory. In some
personal particular circumstances including that you cannot form yourself into a team, you may ask
the unit coordinator for attempting the assignment individually. However, you will lose the 10 marks
that are allocated for the effective teamwork.
Team Membership Agreement
By default, a team works collaboratively; with all members performing their duties timely. The team
leader submits the project and each member must submit his/her own teamwork report of
Template A (see Part 2 of this document) by the assignment due time.
A large emphasis of this group project is solving minor collaborative problems as a part of teamwork
and this should be reflected upon in the teamwork report. Each team should minimise contacts with
lecturer/tutor/coordinator for minor collaborative problems, as too many contacts show the
ineffectiveness or inefficiency of the team for solving minor problems and will result in loss of marks.
Each team member should use the following agreement if a major problem arose. The unit
coordinator should be contacted as a last resort, only when the dispute cannot be solved by the
following agreement.
When forming a team, each team member must agree that the whole team is to take its own risk
when including an individual member and that the project progress can be delayed by that individual
member. Some circumstances are:
1. A team member cannot take his/her allocated duty normally for a particular reason, e.g.
health condition.
If an extension is given to that particular member, the extension is applied to the whole
team. If there is no extension granted for that particular member, the whole team is to take
the risk of a late penalty. In addition, the whole team is to take its own risk of any other
impact, e.g. influence on schedule of other units of study, which may be caused by the
improper delivery of duty of that team member.
2. The other members of a team are to complete the whole project if a team member leaves in
the middle of project for any sound reasons or no reasons.
3. If a team splits into individuals in the middle of the project, each individual needs to
complete the whole project separately.
4. If a team member does not take his/her allocated duty and cannot be contacted, the team
can provide evidence of 3 contacts without responses or other relevant evidence to the unit
coordinator. The unit coordinator reserves the final right to decide whether the member
should be excluded from the team. However, as mentioned in point 2 previously, the rest of
the team needs to complete the whole project if a team member is excluded from the team.

