Directions Pick A Topic From The Options Provided Marijuana Legalization Climate


Pick a topic from the options provided: Marijuana legalization, climate change, gun rights, immigration, LGBTQ equality

All: Read this article on federalism

Read at least 2 articles on your topic

Answer the questions below in 3-6 sentences each

1. Describe and summarize the issue at hand.

2. What does the federal government have to do with the issue? In other words, what is the national government’s point of view on this issue? What are the arguments and/or evidence provided to justify their point of view? What national policies (if any) are involved?

3. What do state governments have to do with the issue? Or, what is the point of view of the state(s) on this issue? What are the arguments and/or evidence provided to justify their point of view? What state policies or laws are involved? Are local governments involved and how so?

4. Your Position Statement. What would you do? How do you think this issue should be solved? Should it be left to the states or the national government to set this policy? Please explain the rationale for your decision.

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