Discuss How These Documents May Influence Your Own Personal Approach To Pedagogy 3755039

ECTPP202A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 2: Philosophy and Curriculum Development S2
3. Assessment Event Schedule
3.1 Assessment Event 1 – Essay
Title: Education and care program design in early childhood settings
Weighting: 35%
Length: 2000 words
Due: Week 3
Learning outcomes: 1, 2 3, and 4.
For this assessment you will need to:
• Debate the range of Australian State and Territory approaches to early childhood
documentation, planning and assessment methodologies and pedagogies.
Compare and discuss each of the State and Territory documents.
Reflect – Discuss how these documents may influence your own personal approach to pedagogy.
Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied
readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA style.
All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course.
The criteria for marking this assessment are given below.
Exploring Alternate Approaches to EYLF Pedagogy
(Exploring different interpretations and applications of EYLF)
• Northern Territory
• South Australia
• Queensland
• Victoria
• Western Australia
? Tasmania

