Discussion 1assignment Detailsthis Assignment Has 3 Parts In 1943 Abraham Maslow


Assignment Details

This assignment has 3 parts:

In 1943 Abraham Maslow proposed that individuals have five basic needs, arranged in a hierarchy from lowest to highest they are physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.  David McClelland focused on a needs-based theory which proposed that individuals have three basic needs: the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power.  The needs described in both these theories are often used by managers during the motivation and goal-setting process with employees.

  1. Why do you believe it is important to understand the needs of your employees?  How will this benefit the organization?
  2. As a manager what are the basic needs that could be fulfilled by the organization if the Maslow theory is used?  What are the needs that fall in line with the McClelland theory?
  3. How can the needs listed be turned into motivation to help the employee succeed?


Good morning Prof and Class,

It is important that managers in forming good performance principle by engaging in the employees’ needs. It is essential that employee needs are address, and employees must have a sense of being affiliated with the principles of the organization, their ideas and, mission. They will come to work with interest and the willingness to do more to support the organization in its goings-on.

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy five ascending needs are physical survival, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Only unfulfilled needs are motivators. It assists managers to recognize the behaviors of their teams. It also aids them to offer the right extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to their employees. This hierarchy helps the growth in production, proficiency and cost-effectiveness of the organization.

As soon as a need is fulfilled, the resulting stage develops as a motivator. self-actualization, workers and establishments use Maslow’s ideas to cover outside the pyramid of needs. Maslow’s idea of self-actualization narrates straight to the current opportunities and challenges for managers and establishments to offer actual sense, resolution and correct individual growth for their personnel.

The primary and key of the needs is physical survival (physiological). This is the need for nourishment, housing, sleep, water, and air. If an individual can’t satisfy this fundamental survival need it dominates their attention and fears. An individual who is cold, in poor health or hungry will not be very involved in meet people, learning or employment. Neurotypical (n.d.)

As a manager, it’s important to recognize the needs of their employees providing are safe workplace, good payments (such as a wages) and career security, which is particularly vital in a weak economy. by making sure social needs are met, by encouraging each staff member be acquainted with each, inspiring supportive cooperation, being available to the employees and encouraging a well balance work environment. accounting for their esteem needs by offering admiration, appreciation or by offering them additional responsibility or promotions to show your confidence in them. Neurotypical (n.d.)

And finally, giving something them that would satisfy their self-actualization needs (while this is really an individual need). Self-actualization needs (while this is really an individual need) a manager can account for this need provides them with interesting task, tempting to the employees to share in the decision-making process and giving them the independence in their careers. Neurotypical (n.d.)


McClelland’s Theory is affected by three types of needs. The need for achievement-wanting something to accomplish, people having the need to have something to prove, or looking for recognition. The need for power or authority. these types of individuals have a need to control, influence others and have supremacy over them. Finally, the need for affiliation or need to belong to someplace, most individuals have a need to be part of something or some social group and want to develop relationships and desire a friendship


Even though Maslow’s hierarchy is typically used as an individual psychology means, small-businesses can adapt it to their workplaces. assisting their employees to meet these important needs in the workplace. managers can make exceedingly motivated and pleasing workforce, which is likely to be productive.



Organizational leaders must recognize the power of understanding their employee’s needs. Usually, through behavioral assessments leaders can gauge as to what motivates employees. But speaking from experience, being transparent, treating everyone fairly and applying listening skills makes employees feel their input matters. It also makes them feel more at ease in their position and the benefits are tremendous for any organization which can reduce attrition, increase in production, job security.

If leaders can keep in mind three major factors communicating with employees:

·  Establish clear specific, measurable goals.

·  Developing team to meet or exceed goals through training and development.

·  Make sure that all assessments are conducted fairly.

As a manager what are the basic needs that could be fulfilled by the organization if the Maslow theory is used?  What are the needs that fall in line with the McClelland theory?

Maslow Basic needs are:

·  Self-Actualization -which covers creativity, ability to solve problems and morals.

·  Esteem- includes self-esteem, accomplishments, being respectful, and confidence in their abilities.

·  Belonginess- Love, family.

·  Safety- being able to feel secure of their surroundings, job security.

·  Physiological- Includes air, food, water, sex and sleep.

The organizational basic needs that fall in line and fulfilled by Maslow’s theory in my opinion self-actualization, Esteem, and Safety.

McClelland theory

·  Need for Achievement- achieving goals, which drives or motivates employees to work harder to continuing to excel.

·  Need for Power- Being in control, having authority over others, being influential and can change someone’s decision to reflect their own needs and desires.

·  Need for Affiliation- Social relationships creating friendly and lasting relationships.

How can the needs listed be turned into motivation to help the employee succeed?

There are many ways that employee needs can be used to help them succeed.


     When clear goals and roles have been identified and assigned, seek for total buy in so that they can understand and see the big picture. Leaders must always keep in mind that employees are the ones closest to the work and can be more involved with self-direction and can help others achieve the goals.

2)  Encourage employees to contribute their ideas which will help them feel important. Also, delegate responsibility and you will see that they will rise to the challenge.

3)  Employee recognition programs, rewarding people for achievements is more effective than blaming them for failures. Make the recognitions publicly.

4)  When you encounter a negative situation immediately address the issue. Do not allow disrespect amongst the ranks and make sure leaders also lead by example in this situation.

5)  Make sure that employees are kept informed about achievements status of goals.

6)  Be involved as a leader with your employees by not standing in their way if their leadership abilities warrant more responsibility. I have seen managers stand in the way of success because of selfish reasons.

7)  Recognizing areas of improvements and provide the necessary training whether it is to teach new skills.

There are so many more things that leaders can use employee needs to create opportunities for their organizations. Being a leader is not all the people you have managed rather, all the leaders you have created and developed.


The Importance of Understanding Employee Behavior mark Waschek March 1, 2017 retrieved from https://www.croplife.com/management/the-importance-of-understanding-employee-behavior/

(Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs n.d.) Retrieved from https://www.learning-theories.com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs.html

McClelland’s Theory of Needs (Power, Achievement and Affiliation n.d.) Retrieved from https://www.managementstudyhq.com/mcclellands-theory-of-needs-power-achievement-and-affiliation.html

10 strategies to retain and motivate employees Brad Larsen Standard-Examiner contributor September 24, 2014 Retrieved from  https://www.standard.net/news/business/strategies-to-retain-and-motivate-employees/article_2538551e-e4e6-50d6-8d5d-2e1c4c10ea9a.html


 Assignment Details

This DB has three parts. 

  1. A common tool used in strategic planning is the S.W.O.T. analysis. Pick a company you are familiar with and complete a SWOT analysis for it describing 5 each of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
  2. How can a SWOT analysis help a company develop a strategic plan that will be successful?
  3. Describe the four functions of management.  What role do these play in the strategic decision making process?


Assignment Details

This DB has three parts. 

  1. A common tool used in strategic planning is the S.W.O.T. analysis. Pick a company you are familiar with and complete a SWOT analysis for it describing 5 each of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
  2. How can a SWOT analysis help a company develop a strategic plan that will be successful?
  3. Describe the four functions of management.  What role do these play in the strategic decision making process?

The company that I will be discussing that almost everyone is familiar with will be APPLE. This company is very popular and explaining the S.W.O.T. analysis should be fairly easy. Apple is a very successful company that used its competitive advantages to become one of the strongest armed player in the tech industry. Their strengths would be being able to design a well-rounded product that is leading the market as far as hardware, software, and applications. For example, they provide the consumer with the iPhone, iPad, apple watch, mac, apple TV, iOS, iTunes, app store, iWork, IMovie, etc.; this list is only a part of what they offer. Being able to become a very powerful brand; consumers are able to value and recognize the brand. Not to mention have a strong advertising and marketing strategy. Their weakness would be data and services. As far as data they are usually a step or two behind google and android. In my opinion they aren’t releasing their latest innovation because they want to get as much money as they can for each product produced. With that they don’t put all their hands in the cookie jar at one time. Apples services are limited because they sell apple hardware and don’t really focus on the teams that provide services. There are many opportunities that Apple have created for themselves. Being able to provide the consumers with a slightly new device to buy every year creates sale opportunities. Being able to give their customers something new will also keep the consumers coming back to Apple; not to mention their friendly user devices. Their threats exists when trying to compete with Samsung who usually provide fast innovation. Apple has become a strong and well-known company and by people becoming “Apple Fans” it’s very hard to convert them to android once they have been with Apple for years.

When a company uses S.W.O.T. is allow the business owner to evaluate their placement in the marketplace. Being able to figure out your strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats will help your business be more successful. S.W.O.T. can be very useful and valuable; this will also allow you to see a different perspective than before. Once you are able to identify your companies’ weakness you will have the opportunity to make them stronger and this will open up new ideas.

The four important structures of management would be planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning is very important because it involves deciding the company’s future as well as where success. You have to be aware of all the challenges, set deadlines, and expectations for the company. Weigh out all the negatives and turn them into positives. Organizing is another important step in the decision making process. This will allow managers to bring together all the sections and assign task and objectives you want them to complete. This will allow them to come together to build responsibility and authority. Leading is another process that needs to be chosen wisely. Not having a good leader could damage your morale as well as make people not want to work for you. You want to choose someone that’s trust worthy and people can trust and look up to. Effective leaders will create effective workers in my opinion. Controlling is another area where the management is involved in and must be taken seriously. Being able to measure out goals and achievements is a big part of this process. Being able to recognize success and give correction action where it belongs works quite well. Controlling various from big item to the very small items.


A common tool used in strategic planning is the S.W.O.T. analysis. Pick a company you are familiar with and complete a SWOT analysis for it describing 5 each of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.  I decided to use Nike as my company of choice.  Nike is considered one of the top 3 in the world when it comes to sports shoes.  Strengths of Nike: Nike is the number one shoe maker.  It is known for making and selling a variety of shoes for all know sports.  Nike operates and sells majority of their products in their stores across the us and to other countries. Nike is known for researching and coming up with innovative ideas to create new products for their customers at reasonable prices. Lastly Nike is globally known and worn in the world.  Weaknesses of Nike include the reliance of the income comes from shares.  This creates vulnerability for this brand.  They often sell to retailers and they often times have to compete with the lower prices of other brands.  Opportunities for Nike:  There are always opportunities for Nike to grow and expand.  Nike is able to develop other products and make profits from them besides the shoes and sports gear. The brand can be used and supported through different major events and recognized as a sponsor.  Nike likes creating high profits.  Nike is recognized among the youth culture as fashion. Threats of Nike:  Nike being the best, has strong competitors. Nike is not stable when it comes to being exposed internationally through trade.  Nike can take a gain or loss not being known internationally amongst the trade.

How can a SWOT analysis help a company develop a strategic plan that will be successful?  With Nike, SWOT can help see and predict things about company before, during and after a business has been developed.  The analysis allows the companies to see and recognize what is important and what needs to be re-worked when it comes the business. SWOT allows for revamping the business.

Describe the four functions of management.  What role do these play in the strategic decision making process?  The four known functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling.  Planning sets the tone for the business and lays the foundation for what the company plans to succeed in the coming year or months. Organizing allows the company to put things in place, so that company can make the necessary moves to be productive and successful.  Leading allows for the managers to ensure that those that in charge of certain aspects of the process are doing so and to make sure they have the things needed to ensure the project is running smoothly. Last we have controlling.  Controlling which means standards are set and measuring of the performances and correcting any wrongs.