Dnp Population Management 19403359

 Topic: Epidemiology Paper Part One: Descriptive Method

The Epidemiology Paper is a practice immersion assignment designed to be completed in three sections, this is part one of the assignment. Learners are required discuss the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science and apply descriptive epidemiology in nursing science.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

· Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 

· This assignment requires that support your position by referencing at least six to eight scholarly resources. At least three of your supporting references must be from scholarly sources other than the assigned readings.

· You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Write a 1,250–1,500 word paper discussing the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing science. Include the following:

1. Define descriptive epidemiology and describe its relationship and role in nursing science today.

2. Provide a contemporary example of how descriptive epidemiology is applied in public health nursing.

3. Identify the epidemiology components used to analyze at-risk populations.

You are required to complete your assignment using real-world application. Real-world application requires the use of evidence-based data, contemporary theories, and concepts presented in the course. The culmination of your assignment must present a viable application in a current practice setting. For more information on parameters for practice immersion hours, please refer to DNP resources in the DC Network.


Population-Based Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Advanced Practices

Read Chapters 3 and 4.


Kramer, M. R., Cooper, H. L., Drews-Botsch, C. D., Waller, L. A., & Hogue, C. R. (2010). Do measures matter? Comparing surface-density-derived and census-tract-derived measures of racial residential segregation. International Journal of Health Geographics, 9, 29-44.


Krueger, N. (2012). Who and what is a ‘population’? Historical debates, current controversies, and implications for understanding ‘population health’ and rectifying health inequities. Milbank Quarterly, 90(4), 634-681.


Jacobs, D. E., Wilson, J., Dixon, S. L., Smith, J., & Evens, A. (2009). The relationship of housing and population health: A 30-year retrospective analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(4), 597-604.