Dream Team Productions Is In The Final Design Phases Of The New Film Killer Worms To 3081775

Dream Team Productions is in the final design phases of the new film, Killer Worms, to be released next summer. Market Wise, the firm hired to coordinate the release of the Killer Worms toys, identified 11 activities to be completed before the release of the film.

Activity Immediate Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic Normal Crash Crash

Predecessor Time (weeks)Time(weeks) Time(weeks) Cost Cost time

A —- 1 2 4 1000 1900 1

B —- 3 3.5 4 1000 1800 2

C A 10 12 13 1500 2700 8

D B 4 5 7 2000 3200 4

E C 2 4 5 5000 8000 3

F E 6 7 8 3000 4100 6

G C 2 4 5.5 8000 9000 2

H D,F,G 5 7.7 9 5000 6400 7

I D,F 9.9 10 12 10000 —– –

J H 2 4 5 4000 —– –

K I,J 2 4 6 5000 —– –

Determine a crashing schedule for reducing the completion time by 3 days.

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Final Exam MBA 651 Spring 2019 Problem 1 (5 points) Dream Team Productions is in the final design phases of the new film, Killer Worms, to be released next summer. Market Wise, the firm hired to coordinate the release of the Killer Worms toys, identified 11 activities to be completed before the release of the film. ActivityImmediateOptimistic Most likelyPessimisticNormal Crash Crash PredecessorTime (weeks)Time(weeks)Time(weeks)Cost Cost time A—-1241000 1900 1 B—-33.541000 1800 2 CA1012131500 2700 8 DB4572000 3200 4 EC2455000 8000 3 FE6783000 4100 6 GC245.58000 9000 2 HD,F,G57.795000 6400 7 ID,F9.9101210000 —– – JH2454000 —– – KI,J2465000 —– – Determine a crashing schedule for reducing the completion time by 3 days. Problem 2 (5 points) A food processing company wants to ensure that the taste of its very popular frozen low-fat dinner entrée meets the Six Sigma quality standards. The manufacturing engineers believe that the taste is strongly related to the percentage of a secret spice (known as Alpha-Omega 1001) that is added during the production process. A number of consumer taste tests were conducted, and it was found that all samples of entrees that were rated “excellent” contained between 1.5 and 3.25 percent Alpha-Omega 1001. If the mean percentage of Alpha-Omega 1001 falls in the middle of the identified limit, calculate the standard deviation necessary to achieve Six Sigma quality. Problem 3 (5 points) (Fuayo Glass America Case) Discuss at least four generalizable lessons we can take away from this case. Problem 4 (5 points) (Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers Case) Identify the key sources of risk for Maryland and Virginia? What mitigation strategies exist…

